The mission

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Rick kisses her like there's no tomorrow until boomerang boy pushes him off of her captain boomber:"This is a mission not a makeout party" rick gives him a death glare and you get up and tell  captain "You wouldn't mind if i was the one kissing you now  would you so i suggest to not bug in ok? Thanks." You smile and sit next to rick.Rick chuckles a little and holds your hand captain boomberang just stares in disgust you all suddenly crash you knock out until you find digger in your arms but knocked out aswell you try to find where the other's are until digger wakes up and gets out with you in his arm's "i got you y/n" he smiles rick and the others clean themselves from the dirt and such.Diablo: damn what the hell was that?" *he rubs his head* rick: must of been a bomb" digger put you down and gave you a little pat on the head "are you ok? Y/n"  "yeah I'm fine dig" you smile  rick bumps him out of the way and gives you a hug  " is my little flower ok? It was a really hard crash thank god we all survive except i wish one didn't but that's ok"  rick glances at digger while saying and you giggle a little and they all continue walking they all duck down to see some alien like things deadshot:what the hell are they?" Rick: i don't know but when i say shoot we shoot"  harley and deadshot run towards them and shoot them  rick: come on what are you doing!?! He runs and shoots at the creatures along with you and digger and katana slicing the shit out of them diablo goes into a corner  digger sees him go and follows him digger: come on princess what did you come here for? To fight or stand here and look pretty?' Cause you ain't going any of those things! Diablo: not my fight homie and  I was  forced to be here" digger rolls his eyes and leaves you shoot one the the aliens down until they all gather around you and they take you.You scream rick hears you but is also occupied with the creatures as well as the other's  and diablo is in his own world in the corner rick: i will come for you!" Rick tries to escape from them but there is no use he gets jumped and gets knocked out by them and soon is out cold on the ground harley and deadshot kill the ones almost about to kill rick and drag him and hide rick with diablo and continue shooting while digger comes to the rescue and saves you from the aliens there were finally no more. Rick had a bad wound and was soon taken to the hospital  you we're about to cry but soon it was almost over and you will soon be with again  you: i will unite with you again" you said to rick before he went in to the ambulance 

*time skip* (so diablo survives they beat the mission they go back to belle reve)


Waller: as what has happened in the mission you all did great and tried your best i will give you all what you deserved for saving the world thank you all"

They all got what they wanted and soon they all went home digger insisted you to stay with him and you made a deal with him only if digger let you visit rick at the hospital everyday until he gets out  digger allowed  it and took you to the hospital  you guys went in to ricks room bursted in to tears seeing him digger sat down and looked at the floor "i said i was gonna unite with you again and i did" rick smiled you smiled back and kissed him on the cheek  rick:just looking at you makes me feel better the doc said i will be out in a month" "better then a year rick digger offered me to stay with him and take me to the hospital to visit you everyday  so i won't have to miss you cause i will be with you everyday" rick: if he touches you tell me if he does any funny buisness with you i kill him alright?" You laugh rick:I'm serious but that is a nice thing to do thanks digger but you still need to earn my respect or else POW!" He jokingly says and makes a gun from his hand and pretends to shoot digger. Digger rolls his eyes and says "yes sir flag" all goofy like they all laugh and talk to rick for awhile

A/N thanks for being patient I'll try my best to update more! For all you fan's out there Love you all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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