the fight!

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Your P.O.V

After we all got ready I was talking to everyone you know Kc, deadshot, diablo,harley,captain boomerang and slipknot  when I was talking to boomerang he shook my hand then pulled me close really fast I was uncomfortable so i took his hand off of me but he smacked my hand and put his hands on my ass ( this is for the boomerang girls 😉) 

 he said "aren't you a beautiful piece of art?" His Australian accent was strong but i didn't have feelings for him and i called help "Help me!!" Rick turned to me almost getting kissed by this guy rick pointed the gun at him "get away from her do...

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he said "aren't you a beautiful piece of art?" His Australian accent was strong but i didn't have feelings for him and i called help "Help me!!" Rick turned to me almost getting kissed by this guy rick pointed the gun at him "get away from her do you want to get put back to jail??" "Put back to jail for what  rick!!" Boomerang said rick had a pissed look on his face "for sexually harassing her!"  "Its not harrasment if she liked it" rick had a really pissed look on his face         "NO she didnt!!!" "Now your gonna get it!!!" rick yelled he punched boomerange in the face and kicked his balls boomerang tried to get rick off until rick had his gun pointed at boomerangs forehead amanda said not to kill him yet unless boomerang hurts rick so rick let him live "damn it weller!!" Rick said boomerang smirked and went into the helicopter  soon everyone else did "are you ok rick?" You said to him he looked at you in confusion " me am I ok  you are the one who was sexually harassed are you ok? " he said looking you deep in the eyes "yes I'm fine"  " but why did you get really mad?" You asked rick had wide eyes and you two were far apart from each other rick said " because I -" rick had soon been cut off by you smashing against his lips soon after he melted into the kiss you had to break it to catch air everyone was looking at you two  but you guys didn't care " thanks for having my back rick I love you" rick soon said " i love you too y/n." Boomerang just rolled his eyes in response to all of this. ( jealous much boomerang.😏😏😁)

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