Last strands of the hope are just slipping away
As fast as the petals of yours every day
You were so bright once, I can still feel the light
But two glowing sparks getting faded with dark
Sorrow, disparity mixed into fog
Covered with veil, name of which is untold
"Fear" is just scrapped onto paper thin skin
Eyes so bright once are so scared within
Accepting the eternal loneliness ready
The last life's petals are replacing with steady
The love and the care are just buried deep
Being ready to wake up and make others feel
Needed, awaited, important and loved
Cause while dépérissement de pétales á votre âme
You are able to give but no way is to got
And maybe it's wrong, but who will give you an aim?---dépérissement de pétales á votre âme - withering the petals of your soul
Honestly, I used to think that the previous poem was sad, but I've got this one and 2 more are yet to come (it's a 4 part story)
What is happening even?
Inspired by existential crisis and its accompanying
grains; poetry
Poetrya book full of lost girl's baby steps into art; could be inspired by randomly spoken words, hidden gems of our world, silent easiness and everything in between Oh, and... Full of stars and never experienced silent nights under the open sky