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Philip Lester- Hey

Daniel Howell- omfg you actually messaged first 😳

Philip Lester- so?

Daniel Howell- I thought my curly hair has scared you away

Philip Lester- no, I just had to go as my mum called me down for food

Daniel Howell- you live with your parents?

Philip Lester- yeah, hopefully I'll be able to afford a flat somewhere soon though

Daniel Howell- Bit random but can I see a photo of you? I don't know if I'm talking to a pedo either you know

Philip Lester- okay? What do you want me to do?

Daniel Howell- hold up a pillow idk

Philip Lester- alright, one second

Philip Lester-

Daniel Howell- 1) editing skills on point 2) is the heart for me? 😏

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Daniel Howell- 1) editing skills on point
2) is the heart for me? 😏

Philip Lester- no! My mum gave it to me in Valentine's Day

Daniel Howell- dude...

Philip Lester- shut up

-Philip has gone offline-

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