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Daniel Howell- Phil I'm here.. Omg I can't bring myself to step off the train

Philip Lester- I'm in the waiting room, get off the train I want to give you a hug!!

Daniel Howell- I can't do it, what if you don't like me? After all I'm just one human, i'm nothing important! I'm staying on the train and going home

Philip Lester-don't you dare have an existential crisis on me now Danny, get off the train or I'll come and get you myself

Daniel Howell- okay, okay fine I'm walking down the platform.

Daniel Howell- I see the waiting room I think, ARE YOU WEARING A BLACK SWEATSHIRT?

Philip Lester- yes?? Where are you? I can't see you?

Daniel Howell- I'm in the beige jumper

Philip Lester- okay I literally can't see you where are you??

Daniel Howell- look up...

Phil looks up from his phone towards the door, and there stood smiling through the glass window is Dan. Phil feels his heart sink in happiness as Dan slowly opens the door,
"P-Phil?" Dan stammers, as he looks the boy up and down, not fully believing his eyes. Phil doesn't say anything, instead he just runs towards his internet friend and pulls him into a tight embrace.

Dan buries his face into the crook of Phil's neck, and let's the tears slowly drip onto Phil's shirt.
"Hello" Phil whispers into Dan's ear, his voice crackling as he tries to hold the tears back.

The two boys slowly pull apart, and lock eye contact, only just to embrace once again, this time both crying out loud, not caring about the judgmental stares they were getting from other people surrounding them.

"Ready to go to my house?" Phil smiles softly, and Dan nods, still unable to speak.
"Let's a go" Phil grins, grabbing Dan's suitcase and walking over to where his mum was stood smiling.

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