Raw Truth - Sexual Content

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Okay everyone, this is my first story I've written on here so cut me some slack please. I am very open to criticism and new ideas but please keep your ignorant comments and suggestions to yourself.

This story is based on my life. Names are changed though. I've been on this site for a while and just have been reading a lot of other books and figured it was time for me to write one. What is a better and easier way to start off that with a book about your own life? The truth. This is me. I might exaggerate on a few things, slip some things in there that maybe didn't happen but if I do do that, it's only to pick the book up and make it a little more interesting.

This is my first chapter and I am a little nervous for it and I am really excited to get some awesome feed back :) Please vote and comment (appropriate comments and not rude ignorant ones please)

OH by the way, some things in this story are pretty sexual and I know that some of you out there want a little heat in a story and you don't like quick little scenes so when there is a sexual scene, I'll try to make it pretty detailed and worth your time lol :)

This first chapter may be some what boring, sorry.. 

But there are things that I need to straighten out before we get into the more interesting things.

I will give you a hint about later on in the book, Kailey, the main character, has a strong lust for a certain boy..and I mean strong....but she has a boyfriend.. 

What will she do?

You won't read about that until later but also there is another boy who does some damage, mentally/emotionally/physically.. 

You won't want to miss out on that part either

Enjoy! :)

Chapter 1

First off, let me introduce myself. Give you a little bit of background and how I got to the point in my life that I am at right now. I have a mother, a father, two sisters, and a brother. My brother, Anthony, is the oldest of us kids. He is 32. Then comes Hadley who is 27, Lilley who is 22, and then there is me, Kailey, and I am 17.

Somehow we are all five years apart without it even being planned that way. See, the thing is, none of my siblings and I have the exact same parents. My mother had three daughters with three different men and my father had a son and a daughter with two different women. I was born and raised in an extremely small town in Illinois. About 2,000 people in the whole town, 150 in the whole high school, and 30 in my grade. I lived in the same house my whole life, that is until my mother and I moved when I was 16 and a sophomore.

Anthony went to law school, worked with one of the presidential candidates for his presidential campaign, went to Korea for a year to teach 7-10 year old's English, and now owns his own business. Soo I guess you could say my older brother is pretty successful and is doing rather well for himself.

When Hadley was 17, she had gotten pregnant and ended up having a daughter, Janelle. Hadley and Janelle's father, Joey, got married when Hadley turned eighteen. They were married for seven years until Hadley had enough of Joey never paying for anything and not contributing to the marriage. She divorced him and is now happy with her new boyfriend, Chris.

Lilley is currently a senior in college at a college in Indiana. She is studying to be a physical therapist. Ever since she dislocated her knee in eighth grade at volleyball practice, she had always wanted to have a career that helped other people with injuries. Physical therapy just came natural after that.

Raw Truth - Sexual ContentWhere stories live. Discover now