Raw Truth - Weston

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Chapter 2

"So I've been debating on weather or not to send this lol..but okay..I know you don't know me since your new lol but I was once new so I know how it feels so if your looking to get to know some more people you should text me sometime if you wanted too lol? I think that's probably the non creepiest way I could put this lol.. anyways if you want..555-0121"

Are you serious? Someone actually wanting to get to know me? Words cannot even describe how big of a smile was on my face when I got this message from Weston Pratt, a 6' 5" senior who played basketball and was actually pretty cute.

I had been going to school in Tusken for a little over two weeks now, and I saw him casually eye me up and down as I walked by. He would try to sneak a peak at me while he was at basketball practice and I was walking through the gym with some other girls going to the weight room. (We were lifting for the upcoming softball season) But I had never thought anything of it. I got those stares all the time, so I just thought he was trying to figure out who I was and why I was there.

I never in a million years expected him to message me, let alone give me his number! I immediately replied, 

"awe :) ..well thank you soo much..i would text you but my phone is broke and i haven't gotten it fixed yet but u have no idea how much that message just made my night..thank you!"

And it was true, I really did break my phone. I threw it against the cement ground after a fight I had had with Noah after we broke up.

"Haha well glad I could make your night lol? That was almost the exact opposite reply I expected to get lol not going to lie haha"

"haha well not a lot of people here talk to me and actually try to reach out to me..u and only couple of others..so if someone is trying to be nice and everything then I'm defiantly goin to accept it"

"Yeah I used to live here, then moved to St. Louis when my parents split up, then we moved back here last year. No one really knew me or remembered me when I got back so no one really talked to me. I know what you are going through and I know it can be rough, But I am here for you :)"

Maybe something would happen after this? Would he actually talk to me at school and take me out to lunch during our lunch period? Was I going to finally move pass Noah and have a real, committed boyfriend? Will I finally have a male in my life who truly loves me?

So many thoughts were running through my head that I could just not keep up. They wer emaking me dizzy and a little bit tired, so I decided I would end the conversation before I said something stupid and ruin it all.

"Well that means the world to me!..Hey I think I am going to go to bed, a lot has been going on lately and it has been wearing me out lol..I will see you tomorrow! Thanks again for the message:)"

"Okay! I'll see you tomorrow! By the way, you wanna get lunch tomorrow? You pick and I'll pay :)"

WAS HE INVITING ME TO LUNCH TOO?! I musttt be dreaming!

"Yeah totally! Subway?"

"Sounds good to me! Good night cutie!"

I was ready to faint! The smile on my face must have been priceless to see! Weston Pratt called me cutie?! I could tell tomorrow was going to be great :)

. . .

I walked upstairs to my locker, put my books in, and sat down played on my iPod. It was 7:45 and hardly any students were roaming the hallways, when all of a sudden, I caught a glimpse of a tall figure walking towards me. I looked up to see Weston walking my way with a big grin on his face. I immediately shared the same grin and watched him as he took each step. He sat beside me.

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