N E W J E R S E Y (2013)

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I'm super excited for this story,Lets go!!

Newts p.o.v:

"Newt,Do you know how much I love you?" My girlfriend of 9 months,Darlene,asked."No I don't know,my love,How much?"I ask with a little enthusiasm in my voice,"I love you more years then I've been alive" she says,"Well you must love me a lot then" I reply,"Hey!" She said laughing and playfully hitting me on the arm.Until I grab her by the waist and pin her on the ground with my body hovering over hers."Ever since I got out that maze and I saw you,I knew that I wanted to love you" I say whispering every part,"I'm sorry that those awful people had you and others put in that maze,That's must've been the worst and I'm sorry I didn't do anything" she replies with a slight frown."Don't worry about it,Because now I'm here and with you,I'm happy,Come on now,no more depressing stories,let's go see if tommy and Minho finished those brownies" I say helping her stand up,after I get off of her."More like,Lets go make sure those 2 morons didn't burn down the kitchen"she says chuckling and making me laugh."We aren't as stupid as you think,Darlene" Tommy says walking up to us with a plate of brownies,"Fine, I'm sorry I underestimated you fools,lets eat" She says before grabbing the whole plate and vamp speeding to the living room in the house we all share,"I'll never get used to that" Tommy says chuckling a little,"Don't worry,I probably won't either" I say laughing and he soon joins in,until we hear,"Oh,please,shut up,Minho,We're watching the opera house not football,so sit down and be quiet" Darlene screams,"You shut up,I was here first so I get to watch what I want first and I get the first brownie" Minho screams back,"Well I was born first,I have razor sharp teeth,and I have enough strength to take down 300,000 men at once,so I think I should get the first brownie and I choose what we watch" she says very calmly.
"Again,There always fighting,Oh well better him then me" Tommy says laughing while walking towards the house,"Yeah,better him then us" I say back,"I can hear you" Darlene sings while we all burst out into laughter,God,she was totally worth the wait.

Sorry that this is short,but I'm back!!!
I'll try to update when I can,Luv you guys,feel free to give me ideas or advice on this story before it starts,Luv you guys,Hope you EnJoYeD-AALIYAH MIKAELSON💭⭐️✨❤️👑

*Born with blood on my hands* (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now