•F A I T H•

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Darlene's p.o.v:

I woke up to the sound of people talking and screaming;Tyler was screaming about how things had to go his way in which I just rolled my eyes.Tyler walked closer to me and touched my stomach,"I bet she'll look just like her mother when I cut your throat out and then hers" he said like a sick,narcissistic,sadistic,bastard.
"IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT LAYING A HAND ON THAT BABY AND DARLENE I WILL BRING HELL TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!" Klaus screamed,I didn't realize anyone was here until I looked over to see klaus chained to the ground and EVERYTIME he moved or spoke his skin would get burned,so I'm guessing the chains were covered in white oak ash.All of a sudden my stomach hurt and I screamed,"What are you doing to her?!??" Klaus said with tears and concern lacing his voice,"It's time for the baby to come" Esther said coming towards me with a blanket that she out over me and she signaled Tyler to leave.I screamed again in pain,but ether and 2 other witches just kept telling me to push,so I did,but not before screaming again."Push,dear,I see her head" Esther said over my screams and klaus's insults and threats.I pushed once more before I sighed,There in the witch's hands laid my baby girl with her shiny brown eyes sparkling."You have a beautiful daughter,she's just precious,congratulations" one witch said sounding like a smart ass."Please,let me hold my baby?" I said begging and they wiped off the blood before wrapping her in a blanket and handing her to me.I held the happy little bundle of baby in my arms and she flashed me a slight smile,I caressed her tiny little cheek and kissed her forehead,before I felt a sharp pain in my heart,I gasped and looked down at my chest which was covered in blood,they took the baby out of my arms and i hear klaus scream,"NOOOOOOOOO!" Before I looked down to see a hand in my stomach then she pulled out a heart,no,she pulled out my heart.I gasped before closing my eyes and hearing a door bust open.

Klaus's p.o.v:

I looked up to see Elijah,Lucien,CarolineAnd Tristan at the entrance.Before they could strike,the witches joined hands and pushed them (using there magic) to the ground.Before Esther could take off,3 swords pierced threw the witches and Esther's chest,Marcel had thrown them after grabbing the baby,taking one look at Darlene and vamp speeding away."You all take care of this,me and klaus will go get the baby" Lucien said with tears streaming down his face,and I didn't look much better.We vamp sped to the compound and there Marcel sat looking at the baby who smiles up at him,Marcel looked up and smirked at us,"Looks like I continuously save your kids klaus,I think I deserve an award" Marcel said with a smile,but with tear stains down his cheeks.Lucien walked up to him and took the small child in his hands.

Luciens p.o.v:

I looked at the small frail child in my hands,she smiled up at me and I found a tear drop on to my face.This baby looks so much like her mother even though she had my eyes.Then I thought back to Darlene,the woman I fell in love with 1,000 years ago,just gone,I couldn't let anyone see me so venerable, and I couldn't let down my baby by bringing her to mourn with me."Watch her for me,I don't want to bring her to mourn with me and she doesn't deserve to be hunted down the way hope once was,Tell everyone she died,no one can know she lived besides you,freya,Rebekah,Elijah, and Kol. Compel the rest of them to believe that the baby died in Darlene and it was too much so she killed herself.I know you'll be a better father.Please,do this for me and if not for me then for Darlene?" I say to klaus,he just nods his head.I turn to the baby and whisper,"I know I wouldn't be the perfect father or the father you deserve,but I promise you that I will be back,but I have to go strike down everyone who even thinks about laying a finger on you.You deserve to be whatever you want and need to be in life,I know you'll fight for what you believe in and I never want you to change...Be a good little girl,for everyone,I love you...",then I kiss her head and put her in klaus's arms and vamp speed away.

Klaus's p.o.v:

I look down at my daughter,yes,she's not my daughter by blood,but she's my daughter by heart."I know life is already a lot for you and you've only been in this world for a short period of time,but I will have it to were you and hope will one day rule New Orleans side by side and no one will dare lay a finger on you,I promise you,for your mothers sake and for mine,that I will always protect you." I say to the now asleep baby in my arms.I hold her in one arm and take out my phone,I call Elijah and tell him luciens plan and basically what just happened.He understood and we decide to let freya take care of the baby for now while we deal with Darlene.We decided to keep Darlene in a coffin until we have time to get the Bennett witch to bring her back to life,somehow.Were not loosing our faith in Darlene,but for now we have a fake funeral to plan.

Elijah's p.o.v:

Klaus brought the precious little beautiful baby to I,freya,and Rebekah. She was a beautiful and wonderful baby girl and everyone felt more at ease with her around.I had strong faith in Darlene,but know that she's Gina it's fading,but I'm trying to hold my Faith and keep believing.Freya took the baby to another state with Rebekah,where they'd lay low for a little while.We called some of Darlene's friends from mystic falls,the funeral is consisting of Caroline,Elena,Bonnie,Kol,I,
Niklaus,Marcel,Davina,and Josh.
I stood beside the empty coffin that everyone believed held Darlene.Davina was hugging Joshua,they both were crying there eyes out,Caroline was holding hands with Elena and Bonnie who were also crying very much and huddled together.Marcel hung his head low as silent tears came slowly down his cheeks.Kol was silent but you could clearly see the hurt and pain In his eyes,him and Darlene weren't like best friends but they were pretty close to each other and Niklaus he was no where to be seen.But none the less,the funeral was going to begin with everyone saying what they needed to about her and leaving a memorable present or detail or object and putting it in the whole with Darlene's coffin before being 'buried'.

*Born with blood on my hands* (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now