{T H E F U N E R A L}

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Klaus's p.o.v:

I watched from the roofs of some building,They were having Darlene's funeral.Tears were already streaming down my face am so wasn't going to stop.I just feel so vulnerable,she's gone,those words keep replaying in my mind.I look down at the baby girl that's wrapped up in a blanket in my arms,She's asleep,but she looks like her mother.I smile down at her as she starts to open her eyes,my little girls,hope and....,I just forgot,no one ever named her.

Elijah's p.o.v:

I lit a candle beside the coffins and it lit up the outsides in the full dark night sky.Just then,Kol stepped forward with a empty liquor bottle in hand

Flash back:1687
Kol's p.o.v:
I sat at an empty bar right after I sucked 10 people dry,I felt like bloody hell and everything was hurting me,but if course I want going to show it,I didn't need to,because this is it.I heard someone step behind me and out there hand on my shoulder."Elijah,if this is another lame attempt to getting me to turn my humanity back on,let me warn you,how nasty this can get" I said in a sharp tone,not turning around."I was always told I a act like Elijah,But I didn't know I looked like the fellow,too" I heard a all too familiar face say behind me,I turned around to conform my suspicion,yep,it's Darlene.I smiled at her and she said,"you  need to stop this,you need to suck it up and deal with your problems like a big boy would",and with that she picked up my liquor bottle,took a quick swig of it,and put it back down in front of me.

End of flashback

"This is for Darlene,she once told me to suck up all my problems and deal with it,so I am,I'll miss you the most" ,Kol said tearing up and putting the bottle down in the space with the coffin."To Darlene,she helped me when no one else wanted to and I didn't know her too long,but she was like a daughter to me.She should've lived a better life then this,she deserved a better life then this." Marcel said placing a white rose in the space as well."I saw Darlene...as more then my friend...b-but my sister...she was caring and helped everyone before she helped herself and I swear on her that I would never leave her baby alone and finally her baby may be happy in heaven the way she should ,I love you Darlene,May you rest in peace,the way you deserved too" Hayley said,pretending the baby was dead,and taking out a photo of them and placing it in the space by the coffin.

Third person p.o.v:

Next Davina stepped forward with a heavy heart she said,"Darlene was like my mother and she showed me that everything only gets better,she showed me the bright side of the world and I love her for that....I-I'm really gonna miss her the most,I wish I knew you longer,Darlene,and any chance I get,no matter what,I will find a way to bring you back.",and she stepped placed a Polaroid camera,Darlene's,Polaroid camera in the coffin.She stepped back to her original spot before nudging josh,he walked up and smiled down at the coffin,"Darlene,your the first person I met who actually said 'Wow,your gay,I can't wait to see you with some guy' when you found out that I was gay,She was amazing and she made everything better.She had this light in her that everyone needed and she was overjoyed to have,then that light disappeared and so did she,but I can't wait to see her again,wether it's in this world,or the next,I'll still love you,Darlene" then Joshua put a gum wrapper from the gum that Darlene offered his the first time they met(sorry it wasn't in the story)in the coffins and then Walked back and wrapped Davina in his arms as she cried again.Caroline walked forward and said "I would've made a kick ass aunt and you would've been a boss ass mom,but no matter where you are I always know that you have a home with me.I miss you so much and I just need you back,I wish I would've spent your last moments with you,actually,they wouldn't have been you last moments cause I would never let anyone hurt you,I I was around.Im sorry....I-I'm so so so s-orry,I hope you forgive me.You came to mystic falls looking for an escape and you got life long friends.Your truly amazing."Then Caroline put a piece of chalk,that she and Darlene used to draw outside when they were pretending to be kids,inside the coffins.Elena and Bonnie had written there notes and put them in the coffin.We bowed our head and made space as we saw Niklaus and Darlene's daughter walking down the space.They stopped in front of the coffin,the baby looked down at the coffin and,as if she understood her mother was dead,started crying.Klaus wrapped her in his arms tighter and laid a teddy bear and a painting of her inside the coffin,"I named her faith,Darlene.I hope you don't mind,but she is our faith...." Klaus whispered before vamp speeding away,taking faith with him.

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