Chapter two

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So I'm sorry about Chapter one being so short. Half of the chapter got cut off for some reason. This chapter is longer and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
Cassie's P.O.V.

"You are absolutely ridiculous. I don't see why everyone is drooling over this guy. He's a rich, spoiled, narcissistic, egotistical, arrogant, asshole." I said. I didn't mind being straight forward.

"You don't even know him!" My bestfriend, Bliss, argued.

"Neither do you." I retaliated.

She was at a loss for words. I defeated her. I never defeated her in debates. That him we were talking about was the one and only, Austin Hayes. He was the child of Caroline and Johnathan Hayes. They owned the biggest financial service company. They were the richest people in the state of California. It was amazing because all the stars lived in California. Girls threw themselves at his feet, just so they could say they had sex with a billionaire. It disgusts me at times. I watched as Bliss read through her magazine. Austin seemed to be in every article on every page. This guy must really love attention. I watched as Bliss stopped on a page and quickly read through an article. Her eyes popped out of her head. The look on her face was priceless. I burst out laughing.

"You won't believe what I just read!" She spoke. Her eyes were still glued to the magazine.

"What is it that you just read?" I asked, giggling a bit.

"Austin Hayes is getting married." She squealed, "I wonder who the lucky girl is. They don't mention her in the book." She thought out loud.

"He can't be getting married. He incapable of being in a relationship." I spat. This guy really makes me angry. He's a sexist jerk and doesn't deserve to be married. He'd only break the poor girl's heart. I turned on the tv. I flipped through the channels, then I finally settled on Adventure Time. The show was almost over when my phone began to ring. I looked at my caller ID. It was my mom. 

"Hey mom. What's up?" I ask casually.

"Come home now. Your father and I have important guests coming to meet our family." She said.

"Ermm, okay." I replied.

After I hung with my mom,  I quickly gathered my things.

"My mom needs me back home, so I guess I'll see you at school on Monday?" I asked.

Bliss nodded and went back to reading her magazine. I walked down the steps and out of her house. Bliss' house wasn't too far from mine. It was about a ten minute walk. Once I finally got home there were two other cars parked in the parking lot. My parent's guest must be here already. I opened the door and heared voices. My parents of course and others I didn't recognize.

"Caroline, I can not wait to meet your daughter." An eager female voice said.

"She should be here any minute." My mother replied.

That was my que to walk in. I saw two other people sitting on the sofa. I gave a small wave.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"You must be Cassie." The woman said getting up and holding her hand. I politely shook it. I did the same with the man.

"Honey, why don't you got put your jacket down." My mom suggested. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why did she want me to go up stairs so badly. I wasn't going to question her in front of our guest. So, I walked up the steps slowly. I walked into my room, hung up my jacket and headed back downstairs. I bumped into something. Well, shall we say, someone. I locked eyes with the one and only Austin Hayes. His ocean blue eyes were refreshing to look at. His scent was intoxicating.

"So your the girl, my parents have been rambling about." He said looking me up and down. I raised an eyebrow. How could his parents be rambling about me and they just met me? The logic of some people. I rolled my eyes. I looked became nervous for some unknown reason. He lifted my chin so my eyes met his once again.

"You, my dear, will be my bride." He purred.

"Cocky much?" I asked.

"Cocky isn't the word. Screwed is one way to put the situation." That was the last thing he said before descending down the stairs. I trailed behind him slowly thinking about his words. What does he mean screwed is one way to put the situation. As we made our way down the steps a huge smile grew on my mother's face. This isn't good. I didn't feel comfortable anymore. My father was too busy having a conversation with Mr.Hayes to notice my discomfort.

"It's killing me inside. I can't hold it in anymore. Cassie you and Austin are getting married!" My mom squealed.

I stood frozen in my spot. I can't be getting married. Not to him! Not this young! I'm seventeen years old and my mom just arranged for me to marry a billionaire who I don't have any feelings for.


Chapter two is finally up! I hope you guys enjoy the story and stay tuned for more.
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