Chapter Five

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This day has been absolutely horrible. Bliss keeps freaking out because Austin is in school with us, all the other girls and sluts have been throwing themselves at him, and he's being super cocky and annoying. Why did I have to be the poor girl he was going to marry?

Finally it was lunch time. I ducked into the crowd hoping to lose Austin and Bliss. I couldn't help leaving my Bestfriend. I had to escape the chaos. Luckily, I did. I entered the cafeteria before them. There was a few jocks checking me out. I kind of liked the attention. No one has payed me any attention in years. It feels good. I know this is negative attention but it's attention. I winked at the table full of jocks and proceeded to the lunch line. Today I settled for a chicken Cesar salad and a bottle of water. I sat at my usual lunch table. It was nice eating in piece. There wasn't any cocky jerks here to ruin my mood. I was enjoying my salad, when one of the guys from the table full of jocks came and say down across from me. He smiled and introduced himself. "Hey, Cassie isn't it?" I nodded, "I'm Jacob, but everybody calls me Jake. I've been seeing you around a lot lately and I was wondering if-"

"Babe, we've been looking all over for you!" A voice that belonged to none other than Austin exclaimed. My smile faltered at the sight of him approaching the table Jake and I were sitting at. Now that I'm engaged guys seemed to want me. It's sad because Jake is really cute and I would have definitely gave him a chance. "We can finish this conversation later." I suggested with a small smile. "Yeah, I'd like that." He replied before walking away from the table. I sighed. I glared at Austin. "What? I couldn't have my future wife cheating on me, now could I?" He smirked. I'd love to wipe that smirk off his face. I rolled my eyes and began attacking my salad withy fork. "Calm down princess, no need to take your anger out on the salad." Austin said giving me a million dollar smile. I began attacking the salad even more. Bliss sat at the table quietly watching me stab lettuce with a fork. She seemed lost in her thoughts. "Cheer up cupcake, we have wedding planning to do after school." He didn't seem to thrilled as the words escaped his mouth. I peered at him through my long eyelashes. He didn't look to happy either.

After school we drove to his house in his white Lamborghini. The ride was silent and awkward. Austin and I have never been alone before. Once we got to his mansion my mothers car, and a moving truck was parked outside. "Who's moving?" I asked. He simply replied saying "us." I hopped out of his car before he had even finished parking it and stormed into the mansion. I saw my mom instructing the movers on where to put certain things. I stomped over to her and told the mover to excuse hisself. He stalked off with a box labeled kitchen in his hands. "What the hell is going on here? Why didn't you tell me you were making me move out? Who's paying for this place anyway?" I bombarded my mother with questions. "First of all, that foul mouth of yours has got to go, you are marrying into a very classy family, second, you and Austin will be living here from now on, third, I didn't tell you because it was a surprise, and lastly, Austin's parents offered it to you guys as a wedding gift." She concluded. They got us a mansion on the beach because we were getting married. If this is them trying to bribe me, it's working. My lip twitched upward just a little bit. It wasn't close to a smile, but it wasn't a frown. "Austin, Cassie, take a seat." Mrs. Hayes pointed to the couch across from her seat next to my mother. Austin and I took our seats. The couch was really comfortable. It was a brown almost coconut color. It suites the beach like atmosphere. "We need to discuss themes and venues." Mrs. Hayes said.

"I think the colors should be Purple and white, and we should have a beach or waterfront wedding." I suggested. Our moms nodded, taking in the idea. "I thinks the colors should be blue and white and we should have a traditional church wedding." Austin suggested. "Who has an indoor wedding when they love in California?" I wondered out loud.

"Well how about we compromise, The colors can be Light blue and white, with a beach/waterfront venue." My mother suggested. I thought about it, why not? Austin and I exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. "So Joanna and I will handle booking a beach." Mrs. Hayes said. "Why not use the beach behind the house? It's cheaper and more convenient for our guests." I said. Mrs.Hayes beamed and agreed with me. "Well you two are responsible for food, cake, decorations." My mother said. Austin and I nodded. Two people who don't get along responsible for the same things, what could possibly go wrong? "The reception will be held at a hotel close by." Mrs. Hayes suggested. Austin nodded, as did I. I began to think about the big day. I began to picture how everything was going to look, how I was going to look. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice the ring sitting on the table in front of me. The ring was gorgeous. I couldn't help but slid it onto my left ring finger. The ring for perfectly on my finger. The ring was so stunning, it had all of my attention. I had forgotten it was an engagement ring until Austin cleared his throat. "I'm uh, glad you you like it." He said scratching the back of his hair.

"Cassie you must wear the proudly, we haven't gone public about you being Austin's Fiancé, but we plan on doing so really soon. So we need you to make the relationship between you two real. We need you guys to practice, right here, right now. To help us pass judgment you fathers are here, and Austin's brother Richard and his sister Vienna is here." My mother said. Once everyone for aquatinted, the room was quiet. "So during interviews you guys are going to be asked how you met, pretend this is an interview and tell us how you met." Vienna instructed. Austin and I both began to talk at the same time. I giggled a fake giggle. He chuckled and looked at the ground. "When I first met Cassie, my parents were at a meeting with a client at a restaurant, Cassie was a waitress there." Austin paused and looked me dead in the eyes. "I was on my way to the restroom when I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I had accidentally bumped into her." That was my quee to interrupt. "No I bumped into you." I smiled. We began a stupid debate on who bumped into who. Austin intertwined our fingers. "Anyway, the plates she was carrying dropped on to the floor. I helped her pick up the broken glass, then we reached for the same piece and it was love at first sight. We were inseparable ever since." Austin finished. I looked into his eyes and smiled. Our eyes were locked in each other, it was like it was only Austin and I in the room. Our fingers were still intertwined. We quickly snatched our hands away when we heard clapping. "Impressive." Richard complimented. "You'll probably be asked to kiss here and there." Mrs. Hayes added. I looked at everyone skeptically. Their eyes were urging us on. "Don't be awkward about it, just kiss already." Vienna urged. I sighed. Austin and I leaned into each other and then our lips touched. I felt electricity shooting through my veins. We quickly pulled apart. "That was not convincing." Richard said. I looked down at the floors. They suddenly became interesting as I thought about the sparks I felt when Austin kissed me. I felt the sparks again when Austin lifted my chin and crashed his perfect pink lips on to mine. I felt him pull me closer. One Hand rested on my cheek while the other on my thigh. He locked my bottom lip asking for an entrance and I gladly gave him one. Our tongues danced together. Sparks, bombs, and fireworks were all exploding inside of my body. When we pulled apart we were both gasping for breath. He rested his forehead on mines. We in that position for a while. "Say those three special words." Richard commanded.

"I love you, Cassie."

"I love you too, Austin."

Austin just looked me dead in the eyes and told me he loved me. But the weirdest part is.......

I believed it.

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