Never have i ever.

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Niall's POV

All during the movie I didn't pay attention because I was too busy watching Gillian. She didn't even notice, she probably doesn't even like me. Do I like her? I can't..can I? I only met her yesterday..maybe I just have to get to know her better. Yeah that's it. Okay I'm going to stop talking to myself In my head cause it's weird.

"Okay lads and ladies should we play never have I ever now?" I asked the rest of the group.

"Yes we just have to go get the alcohol from upstairs, want to come with me Em?" Gil announced.

"Sure and Uhm boys where is your bathroom.. For future reference?" Em questioned quietly. She must need to know because she knows she'll probably be drinking a lot.

"Upstairs first door on the right or there's one in each of our bed rooms, I'll help you if you need it thought." Liam said to emily with a smile on his face.

Emily's POV

After I asked the boys where their bathroom was I started to second guess playing this with people I don't fully trust. Me and Gillian have some trust issues and that's part of the reason why we care so much about eachother.

We are always there for eachother no matter what happens and who ever hurts one of us hurts both of us. That's why I love her she's basically my other half. I wouldn't change that for anything, ever.

I guess the reason I'm second guessing playing this is because a lot of personal things can come up with this game and if I'm drunk the truth will slip out. Well I guess I'm gonna have to take the chance.

Once we were upstairs me and Gillian started talking...

"Are you sure you want to play this cause we don't have to, I'm just worried I think." Gil started blurting out.

"Yea I was thinking the same thing, but hey if they can't accept us for us then who cares, we're here to start over!" I confessed to my best friend.

"Mhm I guess you're right so we're gonna be totally honest right?" She asked me.

"Yes." I responded and we pinky swore. I know it's childish for 19 year olds to be doing, but who cares..

When we returned back downstairs the boys were all on their phones on twitter.

"Oh my god you all look like awkward turtles right now!" Gillian screamed at the, while I took a picture on my phone.

"Seriously get your flat British and Irish arses up and drop your phones before I destroy your xbox." She threatened them. Their jaws all dropped at the first time hearing Gil's sass come out.

"She'll do it trust me, I didn't listen to her once and she slapped me across the face with a red spoon.." I explained to the boys.

"That is cruel and unusual punishment! Ahhhhhhhh!" Liam shouted at Gillian with a shocked face on.

"Well thank you Lili! See someone understands me!" I shouted back because I guess we were all gonna shout now.

"Okay Lili is my new nickname I like it thanks emy boo!" Liam stated.

"Okay so I'm emy boo whatever... But yea after Gillian assaulted me with a spoon I hit her with the matching spatula." I said proudly.

"Our weird new best friends! Yay!" Louis burst out with.

"Now let's get our groove on party animals!" Harry announced...

"Groove? Okay then whatever dork let's have fun guys cause we need to live while were young!" Zayn said while winking at the joke with his own song title.

"Okay so we all know how to play never have I ever right? So someone says something they haven't done and who ever has done it drinks.lets start uhh niall you go first." I said.

"Never have I ever... Went streaking."he said. (A/N I'd any of you don't know streaking is running around naked)

Me, harry and Louis drank. Gillian starting laughing hysterically remembering the time it happened. She explained to the boys the time I got a little bit drunk and got dared to run across the front lawn naked. I have to admit it wasn't one of my best moments, but damn it was funny watching Gillian's video of it.

Zayn went next he said " never have I ever.. Kissed an animal." Me and zayn the only ones that didn't drink that time.

We found out that harry kissed a frog as a dare, niall kissed a squirrel, Louis kissed a fish, and Gillian kissed my cat. I think the worst would have to be kissing the fish, because ew just ew.

The night went on continuing playing never have I ever, learning embarrassing and funny things about eachother laughing and getting drunk or at least tipsy until we all passed out.


I hope my darlings enjoyed this I would write more but I don't have time and need ideas! Read, comment, vote and share! On the weekends the chapters will be longer and better! -Em xx

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