...another world...

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so today was the day. I was moving all the way from Los Angeles California to London England. I was nervous but excited. moving with Gillian my best friend so that made me feel better.

We were moving because it had been our plan since the 7th grade and we finally are old enough. Our moms are coming with us for the first two days to help is get settled in.

Right now I was putting my phone charger alone with my blanket into my last suitcase. I looked around my empty room and realized I would miss LA. It felt strange not having my posters on the walls or my bookshelf of even my bed in the room. I looked around at the turquoise walls one last time before I exited the room and made my way to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and my mom was already sitting there on her phone. She asked me if my luggage was ready and told me we left for the airport in 15 minutes.

I went into the living room area and went on my phone. I quickly went on twitter and posted 'Almost ready for London! Wow can't believe this is happening. Maybe I'll meet some hot brits c; ' I posted it and went onto check what the rest of the world was doing. I kept scrolling and found I had spent 10 minutes on there and exited out of the app.

I got up and grabbed my Vera Bradley duffel and took one last look around the house. I went out into the car ready to go to the airport. It was only 1am so I was tired and looked awful, I was wearing yoga pant that said PINK on the back and a oversized hoodie with my black hair thrown up into a messy bun. My mom then drove out of the driveway with the moving truck following her. The things in the moving truck would be flown to our new house(apartment).

-40 min later-

We were now at the airport with Gillian and her mom. After getting through security and finding our gate it was 2:20am. None of us had eaten breakfast so we went to get some food. There was a Tim Hortons open so we went there. After all of us had ate we went back to our gate for 10 minutes.

Me and Gillian's moms were having conversations of there own whole me and Gil (Gillian) thought about what London would be like.


Emily's POV

I was sitting next to a sleeping Gillian as my mom and Gina (Gillian's mom) were asleep across the aisle on the plane. We had now been in flight for 4 hours and I have watched pitch perfect twice.

I silently took out my iPhone, put my earbuds in and pressed shuffle. The first song playing was moments by one direction, I started taking in the words written by Ed sheeran.

The next song was roger rabbit by sleeping with sirens and before I knew it I has fallen asleep to the voice of kellin Quinn.


Emily's POV:

*6 hours later*

I woke up to someone shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes to find Gillian screaming at me.


"ONE DIRECTION ARE HERE!" She screamed at me.

"Dude really! I only said that they're not THAT bad.. " I said curling up under my zebra blanket.

"Well then I guess you don't want to know that they're supposed to be in the same airport we are the exact same time?" Gil responded.

"Oh my god..now you owe me a Starbucks?" Ugh all I wanted to do was sleep, hey I like my sleep!. They're OKAY don't get me wrong, but I'm not super obsessed like Gillian.

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