Hey boys.

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Emily's POV

When we turned the corner the first thing we saw was a pile of 5 shirtless boys who looked to be a couple years older then us tackling eachother on the ground.

Me and Gillian looked at eachother with the same look on our faces and started to walk away...

But one of the boys suddenly shouted "who are you?" At us. Gillian turned around first to answer the question because I was still on twitter.

When I turned around I was Gillian gawking at them and the. It hit me that it was that loser boy and one direction.

I decided to break the awkward silence by asking a question so I shouted out "where the hell is a Starbucks in this place?!"

Gillian then decided to be an awkward cat and say "omg effing one direction is in front of me."

Then one of the boys with long curly hair and a butterfly tattoo spoke up. He said " Starbucks is around the corner near terminal 8 and... Yes we are... now what can I do for 2 pretty ladies?"the first thing I though was yessss starbuck at last, then well he's hot but flirty.

"Okay well I'm going to go get my Starbucks and Gillian then we have to go find someplace to get a taxi..I'll be back in a few minutes" I was saying when one of the boys with a feather tattoo on his arm, quiffed hair and a obvious 6 pack said "I'm liam by the way and if you want we can drive you to where ever you're going if you w-want tha that is?"

Awe he's so cute he stuttered. Wait did I just say that? Ha I just met him whoops. "Sure but I still need my Starbucks.." I replied." I'll send Paul our tour manager to go get the Starbucks for you."

"Yeah thanks" I said. One of the boys decided to tackle him in a hug I guess because soon enough they were all on the ground again.

Paul then came back with my Starbucks, the boys put on their shirts and grabbed their bags and we then decided to leave the airport finally. When we all got outside fans were screaming and shoving and paparazzi were shouting questions. I looked over to Gillian to see niall carrying her on his back through the crowd, liam grabbed my hand and lead me through the crowd to the black SUV.

Inside the car Paul asked me and Gillian for our address. When we told them the a address the boys started starting at us. "What!?" We both shouted in unison. Zayn piped up and asked us if we were joking.

"No...that's our new address why." Gillian said. "Because were gonna live right next door!" Louis shouted.

Me and Gillian looked at eachother and whispered "OH MY GOD".

----back at the new house---

After me and Gillian got back to the new house which was three stories tall, beige and a huge kitchen a empty top floor and a 98 in flat samsung smart tv in the living room. We told our moms that the new house was amazing and that we were about to pick out our rooms. Then probably go to bed because of jet lag

We picked out rooms which were on the second story.

Mine was a turquoise blue with a queen sized bed and a walk in closet with a personal bathroom. The bathroom included a jacuzzi bathtub and a frosted glass shower. And a full length mirror that opened up into a cabinet.

After putting all my luggage in the corner I shouted goodnight to my mom, Gina, and Gillian. I got in my aeropostale short shorts a old plain blue t- shirt that I realized was a friend of mines and went to bed.


Hi my darling carrots! Sorry I'm a terrible writer and this will get better! xx

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