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Make sure to read the note at the end!!!!!!!


Today was the day. Here we stood all dressed up for the special occasion.

I don't know how you can call it special. This type of thing happens all the time.

Somehow it's different when it happens to you I suppose.

The priest started: we gather here today to recognize a life changing experience. Today we mourn the loss of our beloved Gillian Beatrice Horan.

30 years ago on this very day she married mr. Niall James Horan. 31 years ago today she gave birth to her first son Alexander Joseph Horan.

This date marks the beginning of wonderful things and the ending of wonderful things.

Perhaps if the other driver wouldn't have been drunk she would still be here today but we don't decide our destinies. My advice to you is to live each day as of it is your last because you never know when your last is.

We will miss gillian as she has made a great impact on this world with her beautiful voice, heart, and mind.

Now we will play a slide show with Gillian's platinum album music as backround created by her long time best friend emily payne.

Everyone gathered was now bawling their eyes out at the loss of Gillian.

The slide show started to play the first was a video of Gillian when she was about 5 with her family, she was asked who her best friend was, she responded emily!

The next pictures were of Gillian growing up, with her friends and emily.

Then she was a teenager and her and emily were at concerts,making videos at various hours of the night and laughing.

There were screenshots of their strange text messages.

The slide show continued with pictures of family the 1D boys and her wedding. The birth of her kids, pictures of her own family etc.

When it ended the priest said that concludes our gathering today you may all report to nialls house where a small "party" will be held.

Everyone slowly left the area Emily was breaking down and being held up by liam her children at her sides. Emily's family was there also.

Niall and his kids were all crying along with Gillian's parents and brothers.

Her friends and co workers were there also.

Everyone was just left devastated.



NOT THE REAL ENDING!!!! this is only to torture my best friend because she didn't want me to end this book! Make your own ending but in my REAL ENDING EVRYONE LIVES HAPPLIY EVER AFTER! -Em

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