The first children of Gaea and Ouranos were the six Titans. Three girl, three boy. As they aged, the Titans had chosen the Titanesses as their wives. Ouranos was very proud of them because of their strength and power.
Then there were the Cyclopes. With their odd features, ugly faces, and one single eye, Ouranos looked at them in disgust. He sent them to the forges he created to eternally craft weapons. And though it was punishment, the Cyclopes were amazing blacksmiths. Gaea did not like the way Ouranos treated them.
The final children of earth and sky were the hundred handed ones. As soon as Ouranos saw these so-called "creatures" he cast them down to Tartarus, the deepest, darkest, and most evil pit ever to be known.
Gaea was outraged. She couldn't only watch as her husband treated her children in this way. And though she loved him, she made sure it would never happen again. So, one day when Ouranos wasn't watching, she went to her first and strongest children, the Titans, asking for one of them to destroy their father. Five backed down. The youngest, Cronus, accepted.
Then, Gaea had given him a mighty scythe to take Ouranos down. She told him that if this task was completed, all Cronus then had to do was release the Cyclopes and the hundred handed ones and he could forever rule the lands.
Cronus cut his father to a thousand pieces and began to rule all. Though he hadn't released his other siblings, Gaea was still quite proud. In his time, Cronus had created man. This was called the golden age. All people were living in peace, crime and theft had not yet been invented.