The Truth Part 4

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DisneyFaller Disney/Song: Woke everyone up at 4am because adventures are more important than sleep. Sleep is for the weak.- Blue Messages

Hannahbanana2604 Hannah: Very tired after waking up at 4am and stays outside to guard the probably dead bodies of her friends while they venture in the mind of Caroline.
Eleven Icon.

FallerFurever_Meow Rainbow: Tags along while in the mind; learns that there is more value of herself to Bill...probably.
Spoopy Smoky Quartz Icon

DraconaMalp Drac: Knocks some stuff over and is really...really excited about coming to help out on the mind mission.
Creepy Sans Icon

Caroline_Fangirl7 Caroline: Tries telling the gang that they won't like what they would see. Will that effect the way people see her after? ((Tags along inside the mind however.))
Bill Icon.

BasicNerdLife Dani: Appears later on; watches off the phone with Hannah while on FaceTime with Song.
Girl in red icon.



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The Gang Meets: Roleplaying.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin