Join Us For A Bite~FNAF AU~Part 4

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DisneyFaller Disney/Song: Put on the jacket she owned titled the security guard of Freddy Fazbear's...and dragged the rest of the crew along because...who wouldn't wanna spend their night in a creepy pizzeria?
Blue Messages

Hannahbanana2604 Hannah: Wants to get the heck out of the place and isn't very excited to get working. Sits in the corner with crushed ice.
Stan and Dipper Icon

FallerFurever_Meow Rainbow/Colors/Bow: Is an expert with the game along with Dis, puts on the jacket like a boss and is in charge of the tablet because she likely is the most trustworthy with that kind of task.
Blue and White Dragon Icon

DraconaMalp Drac: Comes along to hate on the furries and eat snacks and blame other people for stuff they didn't cause. Also is secretly a furry but doesn't wanna admit it.
Drac with Skittle Icon

BasicNerdLife Dani Fazbear and the rest of the Animatronics: Doesn't know why her friends left her behind. She wants revenge. She wants to stuff them.
Pacifica and Dipper Icon

SkyliaStorm Sky: Controls the left side of the door and lights, the most sensible about doing things at times.
Summerween Dipper and Mabel Icon


Occasional Appearances:

warriors010 Warriors: Joined the crew but had to go do something more important; would rather not die anyways.

BasicNerdLife Manager: Is the manager at the very end of the RP, kicks the 3 Security Guards out.
Dani: Is confused on why her friends are so beat up and wants to sue the company.

DisneyFaller Phone Guy: Was the man who recorded messages for the gang.



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