Roleplay: Destroyed Strings Part 1

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Feelsy shiz up in here. I swear 

Description: The gang meet up on their old foe, Bill Cipher. What they didn't expect was that the puppet strings will stir and friend ties to be broken.

Hannah, bound to Bill with a deal she made in order to keep everyone safe, was on Bill's clutches and he refused to give up his puppet.

The rest of the gang pleaded to Hannah to fight against Bill but she refused, claiming that this was the only way to keep them safe.

Bill wanted the rift but since the gang had it. Dani, Disney and Rainbow refused to give it over and still begged for Hannah to fight.  

After a LONG time of thinking,  Hannah bubbled everyone with her nightmare fuel and finally yanked free from the strings that kept her bound to the triangle.

Bill, had other plans and used Caroline to take the rift and break it, making Weirdmaggedon happen.

Dani, suddenly, uses her small amount of Nightmare Fuel (Named Milly) and uses it, making it "bond" to her, along with her Fluff and cuts the bubbles, hurting Hannah.

The gang  later flees to the Fluff dimension, where they stay and recover... physically.....

Characters -

Hannah - (Hannahbanana2604) -Frisk Icon.

Dani- (BasicNerdLife)- Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn icon.

Disney-(DisneyFaller)- Bill and Dipper icon.

Rainbow -(FallerFurever_Meow)-Purple Text Bubble

Caroline/ Bill-(Caroline_Fangirl7)-Bill icon.



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