The Scooping Part 1

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After Disney gets Drac sucked into liking FNAF, the subject turns to scooping, and then, Warriors and Dis question the true friendship with the others.

Also there is a mention about this place called "The Void" which is an RP that has yet to be posted, but it will be soon!!




warriors010 Warriors/Disney's Twinnie: Wants to have some fun with her twinnie and questions if Hannah really is her true friend in the end.
Meme Smiley Face Icon

DisneyFaller Disney/Song/Warrior's Twinnie: Teams up with twinnie and wants to have some fun as well; questions the friendship of Hannah just as much as Warriors.
Blue Messages

Hannahbanana2604 Hannah: Doesn't like the idea of Dis and Warrior's definition of fun and locks them in a bubble. Also gets really mad sometimes.
Bill and Dipper Icon

SkyliaStorm Sky: Tries to help calm down Hannah and keep things in order; chooses to ignore the twins's actions most of the time.
Spoopy Ghosts Icon

FallerFurever_Meow Rainbow/Bow: Wants to believe there's some hope left and wants Dis and Warriors to come back to their senses, also may or may not get stabbed again whoops.
Spoopy Smoky Quartz Icon

DraconaMalp Drac: Doesn't like scooping. At all. Exotic Butters.
Purring/Rumbling Drac Icon

BasicNerdLife Dani: At first is very confused on what the heckie is going on, and when she catches on, she's not very happy. Specifically at a certain triangle.
Pacifica and Dipper Icon

Caroline_Fangirl7 Caroline/Bill: Appears later on to perhaps maybe strike a deal..? Or cause the normal chaos that usually goes on.
Bill Cipher Icon



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