19. Lions Den

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Just as I suspected, when I try to go see Cam, my dad won't even open the door. The dickbag stood in front of the window drinking a beer laughing at me. The next stop was to the hospital to talk to Maria. I changed into my own clothes at my apartment so thankfully I didn't look like a complete mess or morning after when Eli came with me. He sits in the room with me for most of the time until Lahela shows up. She pulls him outside the office to have a sibling argument.

"So the whole affiliation you had with this Felix boy makes things a bit harder. Your father could use it against you in the case as evidence that you can't handle taking care of him either. But, I believe this is still worth pursuing. You'll have to get an attorney. We have a list of some who specifically work child custody battles with alcoholic parents. I'm not sure if any of them will be in your price range but-"

"Nonsense, Daddy or one of his lawyers will take the case."

My eyebrows hit my hairline as I turn around in confusion at Lahela outburst. So Eli's dad is a lawyer. Well that makes sense from the fancy apartment and car he has. Admittedly, I feel a bit guilty about not knowing that. I should have asked him. He knows so much about me I should really get to know him more. Note to self, bombard Eli with questions until he goes insane.

"Lahela, I said no." Eli's voice is firm and non-negotiable.

Lahela simply waves him off. "Don't worry Daddy isn't as judgmental as Mother. He'll like her anyway. She puts you in your place."

"I told you I don't think it's a good idea." I look down at my lap trying to avoid the sibling feud.

Did Eli really not want his dad to help me with this? Did I want his dad helping? Not really because I didn't want more of his family to judge me. But also if his dad is a lawyer, it might be the only lawyer I could possibly get to help me.

"Alright alright fine! I'll ask him!"

"Yay! Good. I'm glad we get to help Dakota, it's the least we can do." She looks over at me and winks. "I like you, you're fun and spunky. And drive my brother crazy which is amusing as all hell to me."

I can't help but laugh at her never faltering strange banter. It always seems to leave me slightly confused but laughing. She seems to have the same effect on everyone else too.

"Alright love birds, I'll be seeing both of you at dinner tonight with mom and dad then. Eli, you know the attire, make sure Dakota has something to wear that Mother won't completely destroy her over. Alright time to get back to work."

Lahela spits out so fast I haven't even registered everything she said before she is gone. Wait dinner with Eli's parents? Great, his mom already thinks I'm a jezebel and I'm going to ask his dad the biggest favor of my lifetime. And it probably includes getting destroyed over my outfit because I doubt I have anything good enough to compare to Eli's family. I look over to him with wide eyes, biting my lip.

Eli only rolls his eyes before offering me his hand to get up from the chair I sit in. "Come on, we have lots to do. Remember later that I thought this would be a bad idea."

I try my best to give him a smile but my nervousness slips through. How I deeply hope he is overreacting. Eli drives me back to my apartment and we enter only to find Sydney and some of her friends sitting together in the living room. There were only three girls, but as they all stared at Eli and myself the room felt a whole lot smaller.

"Um, hi guys. This is Eli. Eli, this is Sydney, Mallory, and Alexa. Well, we're just going to go to my room real quick and then I'm going to head out for the night." My nervous babbling continues as I see the mischievous wheels turning in all of the heads.

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