27. Dream

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Edited 29MAR22

 Mature Content Warning!!! 

Alright people get ready for some STEAMY content! If this isn't your style please skip the sections separated with ***

Both bottles are gone. Both! I had three glasses of the white but Lahela and Mrs. Giannopoulos finished off the rest. Those ladies are a riot. Lahela only got louder and more hilarious. Mrs. Giannopoulos, or Mrs. G as her tipsy self declared I now call her, is much nicer. I'm not sure if it is the pity she feels for me about my mom, the wine, or if she is actually warming up to me, but she seems to actually like me now.

The men arrive back, in mostly the same state of sobriety. Thankfully Eli is still sober as the designated driver. They also bring back more wine, which is rewarded with a happy squeal from Lahela. So, as we wait for dinner to be done cooking, the six of us play card games and drink wine. Since Mrs. G seems to like me now, the environment feels comfortable. The air smells of delicious food, and is filled with echoes of our laughter. I feel cozy in my sweater, although Eli's hand on my bare knee gives me chills.

This feels like a quintessential American family holiday. Not that I would know, but from television and movies it seems like the perfect level of cheesy and cozy. I grab Eli's hand and look over at him. Shining his perfect white teeth in a gorgeous smile. Warm butterflies in my stomach make me feel the ever growing feeling that Eli feels like home. Man, I am going to be in trouble if I don't get my feelings in check.

After a very filling dinner, we all turn to the living room for football and a fire. At the end of the game both of Eli's parents head to bed. We stay up talking to Leahla and Mark for a few more hours. Somehow, we are exhausted after doing little more than eating and drinking all day. But I am just as happy to retire to the giant plush bed in Eli's room.

We start out the next day with another run. It is a nice way for us to be on our own for a bit, and we can use the exercise after all the food we ate the day before. On Saturday we go to an apple orchard for apple picking and more engagement photos for Mark and Leahla. On Sunday, Mark, Leahla, and Eli's parents leave early in the morning to head home. Leahla has a long shift at the hospital on Monday while Mr. and Mrs. Giannopoulos had a fancy lunch with their friends at their country club. So, Eli and I have a very large, luxurious, cabin all to ourselves.

So of course the first thing we do is order pizza.

The tiny liquor store in town makes the best pizza, according to Eli. And he is right. We sit in the living room, watching a movie while we eat pizza. It is nice spending time with his family this weekend, but I love getting to relax with just him. I borrow a pair of his sweat pants and wear a new bralette. I had picked it up for a fancy outfit I planned to wear this weekend. I was still trying to impress both Leahla and their mom. But, this made for a cute and comfy outfit, with a hint of sexiness for Eli.

"Is something on your mind babe?"

Eli's question pulls me out of the hundreds of thoughts floating in my brain at the moment. "Not anything in particular. Why?"

"You just had this look on your face."

I pause for a second. Is there anything important I want to bring up? Well, there is the whole girlfriend matter.

"Actually, I was wondering why your entire family was calling me your girlfriend this weekend."

Eli blushes slightly. "Well, you are my girlfriend."

"Really? I don't remember being asked such a question. Who is to say I want to be your girlfriend? What if I find the whole concept of labels to be archaic and obsolete. What if I was already dating other people?"

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