28. Corner

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I stalk through the hospital hallways with so much anger and purpose I can feel the malice seeping into the air. Eli follows behind me, but keeps his distance. I need to do this on my own. His presence does give me the reassurance I need to keep going. Despite the fact that I am so angry I want to punch someone, I know I have to keep my anger focused on one person. The one person who is the origin of all of my pain and anger.

The chart at the foot of his bed matches my name. But honestly, the only thing that connects us is that name and a few shared genes. He is asleep. Or unconscious, it looks the same. The police told me that they had arrested him after getting in a car accident that sent a family of three to the hospital. He began going through such serious withdrawals that they had to send him to the hospital. They called me as he was being transferred.

Unfortunately, I had met a couple of the members of the Chicago Police Department a few times over the years. Between the man in the hospital bed and Felix, I have either been witness to many of their problems or posted their bail. So when Officer Rodgers stands with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall, neither of us are surprised to see each other. He does, however, stiffen when Eli stops behind me.

"This is Eli Giannopoulos, my boyfriend. Eli, this is Officer Rodgers."

I try my best to ignore the warm feeling I have when I call Eli my boyfriend. I can feel the men scrutinizing each other. Rodgers is in his mid-thirties and started at the police department when I was still dating Felix. So it made sense that he was hesitant of the tall, muscular man that towered over me.

"He's actually a good guy, don't worry." Rodgers only gives me a grunt in response. "How is the family that was in the accident?"

"They're all okay. Mostly superficial wounds. The mother who was driving had a concussion. And their son got a pretty deep gash on his head that might scar. The father is angry and wants your father to pay for it."

"No, don't call him that anymore. His name is Frank."

Rodgers nods in understanding. "Frank is going to go to prison. We have to wait for him to detox before we take him back. What I'm most concerned about, for you, is that the family is suing."

My stomach drops. "What are they suing for? He doesn't have any money. The only money he even has is from my mom's life insurance that is for Cam."

"It doesn't matter where the money comes from. Like I said, the family wants him to pay for what he did."

I let out an exasperated groan. "I can't believe him!"

I feel so much rage boiling in my body I can't focus. I have never hit anyone in anger. It has only been in calculated fights or in self defense. But at this moment, all I want to do is hit him hard enough to make him conscious and knock him out again in one go.

"Going to court will be expensive. But you'll need a good lawyer . They're from the Northwest suburbs, they have money to waste on litigation. But what you really need to worry about is where Cam is going to go if you have no money to take care of him."

My vision begins to blur as angry tears burn my eyes. Eli sees me move before I'm even aware that I am. Right as I lunged at Frank, Eli's arms circle my waist and lift me into the air. Rodgers moves to block Frank from my sight as I flail in Eli's arms. He holds me close to his chest and starts to back up. My struggle gives him little resistance as he carries me down the hall with Rodgers following close behind.

"Put me down!"

"Not until you calm down!"

"Damn it Eli put me down!"

Tears are streaming down my face which only makes me angrier. He lets my feet touch the ground but keeps his arms wrapped around me. I turn around to push against his chest but that only gives him the opportunity to pull me closer. Once he holds me firmly against his chest I begin to sob. Out of anger. Out of sadness. Out of fear for the future. Out of hopelessness that nothing I have done to take care of Cam will ever be good enough.

"Come on Koda. Let's go home."

I hit the punching bag with speed and intensity. My aim is wild and my hits are sloppy but the force is the hardest I have ever hit. Eli holds the punching bag tightly, providing as much resistance as possible. I go an hour without stopping. Finally, after one of my swings misses, my loss of balance sends me toppling to the floor.

I feel empty. I have nothing left for anger or sadness. I let Eli pick me up and carry me to the bathroom. He turns on the shower and undresses me. When I only stand motionless, Eli removes his clothes and joins me. He washes my hair for me before rubbing fruity scented body wash all over my body. For a split second I have the thought that it is sweet he has gotten me girly shower products, but not enough energy to voice them.

When I am clean he wraps me in a giant fluffy towel. I stand there like a child as he dresses me in one of his t-shirts and a pair of gym shorts. We go to his bed and he holds me as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up in the early hours of the night. Eli is no longer beside me in bed. I slowly pad my way into the living room where I hear Eli's muffled voice. When he sees me he says something to the person on the phone before hanging up.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He pats the spot next to him on the couch that I easily fill.

"Better. Not good, but better. I'm sorry you've seen me at some of my worst moments. I'm sure they can't be very endearing to witness."

"I only care that you are doing alright. You have been going through a lot. I would say you are handling it a lot better than most."

I let out a heavy sigh. "Who was on the phone?"

It is his turn to sigh. "My father. He is going to help you. Take the case on personally."

I pause, unsure of why he sounds so unhappy about it. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, it is great actually. But, I had to agree to some of his terms."

"What terms?"

"That I will go to law school next year and begin working at his firm every summer until I graduate and become an associate."

He sounds so unhappy about the deal. It fills me with conflicting emotions of guilt and relief.

"Eli, you don't-"

"I agreed to help you and because I know he would somehow make me in the end anyways. At least this way we give you and Cam your best fighting chance."

"Thank you. I can't tell you how much this means to me."

Eli wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his chest. "You got me in your corner now, Firecracker, we're unbeatable."

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