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"BERLIN, HUH?" TONY asked, a cocky smirk played on his lips, as always. Bucky glared at him, laying his head back on the cushion, letting the warm rays soak his face. He hasn't gotten sleep in so long and it began to physically pain him, but he knew he couldn't sleep. Especially not around Steve and all of the others, he didn't want to relapse again and hurt somebody. He would never forgive himself. He already almost hurt Natasha and the others during his freakout with T'Challa and the man in Berlin. He couldn't even remember that, he didn't want to have to wake up again to bruised necks and faces and people looking at him like he was a monster, he hated the burning in his chest at moments like those.

"Buck?" Steve's voice poked through his rampant thoughts, making his piercing blue eyes to flicker up to meet Steve's.


"You okay? You look a little shaken up," Steve explained, tilting his head, ready to listen to whatever Bucky would spill from his mouth, but nothing ever came, only a sad smile, a nod, and the turn of his head. Steve sighed, he was expecting it, to say the least.

For the rest of the ride, Bucky sat in silence, trying to conjure up the midst of his memories while painfully staying awake, looking out the window as the clouds swept beneath them.

The daydreams that took up Bucky's sight were quickly brought to an end as a jolt wracked through his body, making his head whip around, his body alert.

"Calm down, Metal Man, the quin-jet was just landed," Tony responded, a scoff leaving his lips. Bucky rolled his eyes, slouching back in his seat and adjusting his limbs, they had definitely grown stiff the last few hours. Bucky had the sudden urge to punch Tony in the jaw, thought he resisted the urge, the thought still lingered.

Bucky stood as the rest of the Avengers—though he wasn't one of them—got off the quin-jet, Steve directly in front of him. He stayed close, his body rigid and stiff as he looked around, being sure to be alert of anybody around. His eyes were bolting here and there, looking for any fast or sharp movement.

"So, are we taking her in? Killing her? What's going on?" Bucky asked Steve, his voice hushed so no one would hear and possibly interrupt the conversation.

Steve gave him a look, "I'm not sure, ask Tony," he said, running a hand through his hair as they walked across the concrete landing. "We don't even know if she's bad yet. Why would we kill her though?" He said, turning around and looking at Bucky, causing him to duck his head down and not answer, a scowl held deeply into his features. A shrug of his shoulders would have to suffice.

"Sam, take Metal Man over there with you. Steve can go if he'd like," Tony said, adjusting the watch held tightly on his wrist. He looked so incredibly cocky that it made Bucky furious. He seemed so condescending and that only made him hate him more.

Bucky ignored Sam and Steve and began to walk forward, the two beginning to follow him after a few moments of exchanged looks. Bucky's strides were long and solid, taking him far and quickly, causing the boys behind to quicken their pace.

"Calm the hell down, would you?" Sam said, putting his hand on Bucky's shoulder to slow him down. Big mistake.

Bucky whipped around, grabbing Sam's wrist with his metal fist, his nostrils flaring and steam practically shooting from his pours. Steve stepped forward just in time to pull Bucky from Sam's wrist, preventing the ripping off of Sam's arm. What the hell was Bucky's problem?

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