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It was Friday night. It would be the last free night he would have for a few weeks into the new semester, but it most definitely wouldn't be the last of it's kind. Kieran Abel was going out with a few of his best buddies from college. From time to time, due to the close proximity of where they lived, they would plan to get drinks, play a little pool, and at the end of the night they'd each take some poor girl home. It became a steady routine. A routine that each of them loved to compete in.

Their standards weren't too high, depending on how sober they were, but one night stands were just sex anyway. Kieran typically liked to court the younger women, naive, and open to do whatever he pleased. After all he was a handsome young bachelor, and he liked to experiment with his ability to manipulate and shape women submissively into his bedroom - all for sport, of course.

He gave a small sigh before he raised his phone to his ear, silencing it's annoying ring. "Yes, Colton. What is it this time?" Kieran wondered, using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, then grab his temples. His friend was always calling after a long day, expecting to be catered to immediately. Kieran was usually too caught up with work to even consider his friends problems, but today in particular was a slow one. And admittedly, his friend had always managed to peek his interest.

"I'm done fooling around with Christen. All she ever talks about is being in a goddamned relationship. She wants a damn puppet is what she wants. I just don't understand why they're all so demanding, brother! Can't even have a good fuck and go without listening to the bitches crying about wanting serious!" His friend breathed heavily through the phone, ending his rant with a growl. He was obviously calling for advice, like he always has before. Kieran, already aware of his friends need for direction, began.

"Whoa whoa, buddy! Slow down! By now you should know that that's how they are. Every girl you get involved with wants serious, pal. Either you need to start telling them from the start or they're just going to continue to try and lay the titles down on you. As for Christen, though, you should've dropped that one ages ago," He said, annoyance lacing his deep voice. For Kieran this was obvious. He had been in similar situations, and simply ended them due to the fact that he was an adult. He wasn't interested in forming relationships while he was in his prime. What good looking man well in his twenties wants to be tied down to one female?

"Easier said than done, Mr. IHaveNoHeart. After all she's a piece of work in the bedroom," Colton chuckled, feeling a lot better now that he knew he could take a step back and analyze his situation. He didn't want a relationship, he only wanted fun. So, if she wasn't going to be willing to accommodate to his wants, she would be kicked to the curb without a second thought. He had wasted enough time already, and he didn't need his friends to remind him of that fact.

"I wouldn't have wasted five months if she hadn't been, now would I?" He continued, that signature smirk heard through his thick English accent.

"Better have been damn swell mate," Kieran teased his friend's accent, still not believing him completely, that she was that good in bed. Hell, she didn't even look that good out of it, he thought to himself. Initially, yes, Christen was a vixen, but that crazy of hers blinded any further physical attraction real fast.

"She surprised me, I'll say that much," He snickered.

"Anyways what do you say we and the boys go out tonight? I need some Scotch in my system, brother!" Kieran exclaimed, sighing heavily.

"I was just thinking the same thing. But the lad with the most attractive woman on his arm gets full rounds on the rest of us!" He quickly added.

"Who would I be to turn down free liquor?" Kieran finally gave his answer, too confident for his own good. Colton was grinning on his side of the phone, knowing damned well that his friend never backed down from a challenge.

"Oh no, that's not all. You've gotta have chemistry," Colton declared, using their secret word that only they knew the meaning of.

"Hell yeah. You're on. Call up the rest of the boys and I'll prove to you tonight that I've got this. Guaranteed in the fucking bag," Kieran spoke with renewed excitement. He had thrown down his pen and was now walking to his closet, in search of something to wear.

"Alright, fine. We're hitting up Clava. Ten," his friend said over the phone hurriedly, before getting an, "Okay, I'll see you then."

Their phone call ended and Kieran returned to searching for something casual to replace the suit and tie that he currently wore. Instead of picking something complicated, he settled for a simple fitted dark grey t-shirt and dark blue jeans. At his feet, he was wearing basic brown high tops.

 At his feet, he was wearing basic brown high tops

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By the time he finished dressing, it was already past 9:30

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By the time he finished dressing, it was already past 9:30. Kieran grabbed one of his favorite small bottles of cologne. Spritzing it on his chest and neck. Once he had finished, he grabbed his car keys, and wallet, rather excited in the night he would be having. He did a quick walk through of his house. For when he did bring home some woman, he preferred his home to look as tidy as possible.

After a few minutes of picking up dirty clothes, and throwing them in the hamper, he lit an incense.

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