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So we brought Jenna home from the hospital.

Easy. Grab the door Jer. "Matty told him.
Hey, stop fussing, I'm fine. "Jenna said.
The doctors said that you have to take it easy. "I told her.
Yeah, you don't want to rip your stitches, hemorrhage and die, alright? "Jer said.
Yeah, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment. "Jenna said.
No. "Matty said.
I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that? "Jenna asked.

It was a freak accident. "Elena said.
It happens. "I told her.
Yeah, I mean I've done it like twenty times at the Grill. "Matty said trying to make her feel better. But he's failing miserably.
Jenna laughs, then winces in pain.
Okay, I'm being nice. "Matty told her.
Careful. "Jer said.
Easy, easy. "Matty told her.
We put her on the couch.

What should I do with this? "Matty asked.
I got it. "Elena said.
He gives her a bag with food. Matty stays with Jenna. Elena goes in the kitchen. Me and Jer follow her.

So what are we gonna do? "Jer asked.
Make lunch. "Elena responded.
No, about Katherine and Janet. "Jer said.
We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy. "Elena told him.
They tried to kill Jenna. We can't let them get away with that. "Jer told her.
Yes we can. If it keeps us safe then we can. "Elena said.

And what if they try something else? "I asked her.
They won't. Katherine and Janet hurt Jenna because we didn't do what they said. We're doing it now, me and Stefan are over. And You and Kevin are not getting together.
They win, the end. "She said.
You are being naïve and you know it. "Jer said.
He leaves.
I catch up to him.

Where you going? "She asked us.
Out. We'll be back. "I told her.

Salvatore Boarding House

Good now we just need to wait for bonnie.
Caroline opens the front door and Bonnie is there.
Finally i love her but she takes forever.
Hey, come on in. "Caroline said.
I got Stefan's message. "Bonnie said.
Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you. "Stefan said.
She sees Kevin, Damon and Ric talking and she sees that there are a lot a weapon on the table.

What's going on? "She asked.
Jer comes from the other room.

We're gonna kill Katherine and Janet. "Jer told her.
I can explain. "Stefan said.
Please. "Bonnie said.
We're gonna kill Katherine. "Stefan said not knowing how else to say it.
Ric shows us a weapon.

This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here. I have two of these in a different size. For you I recommend this. It fits nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready. "Ric said.
He fakes killing a vampire. Me, Kevin, Damon and Stefan look at each other.

You wanted me to show you how to kill a vampire. "Ric said looking at us.

Katherine's POV

I'm straightening my curly hair.

What's with the hair? "Lucy asked me.
I'm impersonating my dull-as-dishwater doppelgänger Elena. She has the worst taste. "I said in disgust.
Except in men. "Lucy said.
Well i like Janet's doppelganger she's more fun than Elena. And has the best taste in clothes. "I said wishing she was my doppelganger. I sigh and i see Janet glare at the mention of Emely. Ooohhh someone's Jealous.

I smirk and turn around.
Janet you shouldn't get mad over her. "I said and she glared at me.
Lucy was laughing.
I just smiled.

Have you actually seen the moonstone before? I always thought it was some made up legend. "Lucy said out of nowhere.
We have seen it and we need you to help us get it back. "Janet said.
Oh yeah? What are you gonna do with it? "Lucy asked us.

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