|C H A P T E R 31|

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I sat in the living room, on Instagram. I been posting pictures like crazy since Contour Clutch reached out to me.

Everybody else went out to the mall. Ion know why they always liked doing this shit. They know I'm always gone say 'No' if they ask, and if I say 'Yea,' ion wanna stay long.

Trent offered to stay home with me, and I kept telling him no, he could go. Sometimes I just like being alone.

I started getting hungry, so I texted Trent and said

Bring me back some food please! 😊

Ight, gotchu.

I smiled. I have the best boyfriend ever...

I drifted out of my thoughts as the front door opened. It was D.

"Wassup Laya?" He asked.

"Wassup?" I said, not trying to make conversation.

"What's up witchu? You been good?"


He went upstairs then later came back with a black T-shirt and sweats on.

He sat down in the sofa beside me. I scooted away from him a little cause he was too close.

I kept my head in my phone the whole time. Then I heard the TV come on.

Wait, if he just turned the TV on, what was he doing before?

"Aye Laya?" He said.

I lifted my head.

"How long you and Trent been together?"

"A couple weeks now," I hesitated.


"Why you ask?"

"Nothing, I just heard bout him," he said.

"Whatchu mean you heard bout him?" I asked, sitting up.

"He be out there, that's all. Nigga got hoes," he said.

"And so do you. But trust me, those bitches could never top me," I said, flipping my hair.

He laughed.

"Listen, if he ain't treating you right, I can. I'm always here," he said, rubbing my thigh.

I quickly moved his hand. "Naw, me and him good."

He put his hand back. "You sure, cause I can—"

"Naw, we good," I said, standing up and going into the kitchen. I took a Hot Pocket out of the freezer and took it out of the plastic. I put it on a paper plate and walked over to the microwave put it on 1:50.

I turned around about to go back to the fridge, but D was standing right behind me, in front of me now, blocking my path.

"Move," I said, stepping aside.

He continued to block my path.

Okay, since you wanna be a dick...

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