4. See you soon

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I tried to go to sleep early that night. Mom said I'd have some time to pack my things in the morning.

I laid in my bed staring straight up at the ceiling, thinking about what was going to happen. I wondered about what exactly I was capable of and whether or not I could fully control it. I mean, yeah, I had to focus but I knew there was more to it. I also thought about my new guardians. I wondered if they were people I knew or complete strangers? Were they like me, special? My brain was consumed with these unanswered questions. I shut my eyes and fell into the sweet release of sleep.


"Wake up!" I heard someone shouting at me. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and they shook me until I was wide awake. I saw someone un recognizable in front of me shouting at me to get up.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I screamed, prying his hands off of me. I met his lifeless blue eyes. He was dressed in all black.

"Who are you anyway? And why are you waking me up so early? Did my mom let you in?!" I started freaking out.

"You ask a lot of questions, ya know that?" He said stiffly."Come on, get out of bed we're leaving."

"But I still have to get my things together."I stood up from my bed and he immediately got a strong grip on my wrist.

"There's no time for that now let's go!" he was obviously getting irritated with me.

I did as I was told and followed him out of my room and down stairs. I was sure I looked terrible but I guess we had to leave. As I got to the last step I saw my mother and Chris in the living room waiting for me. They were with three other guys all dressed in black. Mom stood up when she saw me. I could see the tears already forming in her eyes.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

I nodded yes even though I would give anything to stay with them.

"Here." She smiled as she handed me my grandma's book. "Study it sometime."

I gladly took the book from her as it was all I really had left of my grandmother. I looked down at the cover. It had writing on it but it was in another language. I looked back up at my mother and gave her a small smile. She pulled me into a long hug, taking me by surprise. I buried my face in the crook of her neck. The sweet smell of her perfume would be my last memory of her before I saw her again.

I looked to my little brother. He had a sad expression on his pudgy little face. His nose was red from sniffling and his eyes were glossy with tears. "Hey, don't cry, okay?" I kneeled down in front of him.

"D-don't go Ellie." he said between sniffles.
I cupped his face in both my hands, like momma does. I kissed his forehead and smiled at him.
"Don't worry, I'll see you soon buddy." I try to say as comforting as I possibly could. I wrapped him up in my arms and he hugged me back.

"Cheyenne, it's time." I heard one of them say to my mom. She nodded and I stood up straight.

"Let's go." The blonde one instructed and the other three followed him out the front door. I followed the last one out the door but not before I looked back at mom and Christopher. "I love you!" I say to both of them.

Christopher waved goodbye and mom blew me a kiss. Once I stepped foot out the door I already couldn't wait to see them again.

There was a dark van parked in the driveway and each of the boys piled into it so once again, I followed.

I sat down in the back and automatically strapped myself in. I looked up to see that all eyes were on me.

"What?" I asked, oblivious.

"Oh, nothing I've just never met a witch before." one of the boys spoke up.

He had purple hair and greenish gray eyes that were mysterious and the way they looked right through me was a little unnerving. He had a great smile though, very friendly.

I scoffed at his remark. I was still getting used to being a witch.

"Don't upset her, Michael. She might blow you up from the inside or squeeze your eyes right out of their sockets!"
The brunette boy exclaimed.

His dark eyes lit up when they talked about the awful things I was capable of. I gulped when I thought about Michael's eyes popping out.

"Shut up! Both of you!" The blonde one demanded. I had yet to learn their names.

"Alright, alright let's not scare the poor girl off." Another voice came from the seat behind me.

They all agreed and started to introduce themselves. Finally. It started with Michael,
"Before we get this show on the road, My name is Michael and I will be getting you where you need to be." He honked the car horn, excitedly.

"I'm Calum. Ignore Michael, he's an idiot."

I sighed, "Yeah, that makes me feel better. My life is in the hands of an idiot!"

Calum winked at me and laughed. Great. What was my mother thinking?! I slouched in my seat, waiting for the next boy to go.

"I'm Luke and don't worry, we're not idiots. You're safe."

I could tell he was trying to be reassuring but he seemed too stiff and uptight.

"And I'm Ashton!" the chirpy voice from the back seat piped up.
I felt like I needed an introduction even though I probably didn't.

"Well, I'm Ellie. But you probably already knew that." I say awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, we know everything about you!" Michael said as he turned on the engine.

"Way to sound like a stalker!" Calum playfully punched his arm.

"What do you mean everything?" I leaned forward.

"Oh, ya know just the basics like when you were born, where, what time, who you hang out with, your relatives, and who or what we're protecting you from." Michael was basically describing a stalker but I guess it was all part of the job.

"Is that part of the job description?" I ask half serious and half jokingly.

Ashton giggled in the back, I couldn't quite take him seriously.

By now we were cruising down the road heading to an unknown place. But I'm sure these guys knew what they were doing. I mean they had to. My new guardians, not exactly what I was expecting but in a good way I guess.


A/N : We'll did you enjoy this chapter cause it was kinda fun to make now that I can actually use 5sos in the story. So the story will start progressing from this point so yeah enjoy the rest! :)

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