When a classmate has the same name as an anime character

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I have a classmate named Jude and I really wanna know his last name. 

I swear to god if it's Heartfilia I'm gonna walk up to him and whisper in his ear "You're gonna marry someone named Layla and then your gonna have a child named Lucy and I swear to god if you mistreat her I'll track you down and beat the shit outta you. Afterwards, I'm gonna lock you in my basement and wait until Natsu and Lucy grow up and they start dating so I can tell him how badly you treated Lucy and then he'll beat the shit outta you too."

Words of advice: If your name resembles anything to an anime characters, so help me you better fucking run for your life when you see me cause bitch I ain't ever gonna let you live without a day of questions about how you got into our world and why you transferred schools from Japan or some shit like that.

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