hELLO mateys(?) it be sam again y'know i used to be shespeaksfangirl then fivestarmercury then blckpastel and now i'm star-labs bEcAuSe i CaNt sEeM tO sTiCk tO a siNgLe uSeRNaMe aNyMoRe hAhA wHOOps
hehehe *nervously scratches the back of my neck*
god i'm not even talking to people face to face, how the heck did i make this awkward?
here's a funny gif of a socially awkward penguin to make up for it.
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did you guys know it was chai tea latte espresso (shaila)'s anniversary of her day of birth on thursday? yes on october 26 2004, y'know 13 years ago around this time of year, my dear friend fetus deletus was born :,)
have i mentioned how amazing and incredible she is? i love her. pop runk is the best. she's one of my favorite people. she's so smart and makes sure i never go too far with things. like she keeps my head screwed on. like sometimes she's crazy, but she's crazy in a logical way? which i never knew was possible like wowzers that's pwetty cool
have i mentioned how tired i am and that's why this little hackerino of her account is so weird and random of me. i mean i think it's really weird. and random.
did you know my teachers are starting to notice how socially awkward i am? like crap i didn't think i made it that obvious. i mean just yesterday my english teacher told me that i need to brush up on my social skills yikes
me and my friends from robotics like to crash at our teachers' classroom after school after robotics and just engage in a conversation with them. is that weird? like yesterday we were giving our almost-30-but-not-quite-yet male social studies teacher dating advice. like hell he would take advice from a couple of 8th graders. but then again he needs it, he looks so sad and depressed all the time and with all the sarcasm and moodiness honestly no wonder he's still single ._.
okay i think this is my cue to leave
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