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"Grace! Macy's here!" I heard my mum shout from downstairs as I groaned and trudged down the stairs. I hate school everyday but the weekend has left me with no effort and I'm still pissed off about Blake. I see Macy standing at my door with the biggest smile on her face, how can someone be that happy this morning? I shouted bye to my parents and shut the door, just as we were leaving my door I hear a loud deep laugh from next to us, we turned to see George in skinny jeans and Star Wars t-shirt looking smug leaning against his car, I gave him my signature dirty look whereas Macy smiled and waved "morning george" jheez what's rocked her boat and why is she so happy? He hopped in his car but instead of driving past us he stopped the car and told us to get in. Macy clambered in the back as I walked round the car to sit in the front seat, however, my pencil decided against me and I had to slowly lower myself in earning another laugh from George, once I was in I lightly punched him before he started driving again. "Your uniform looks rank by the way" George smirked at me knowing it would annoy me but he was right, we had to wear white shirts tucked into our skirts, with a yellow and black striped tie finished of with a black blazer, "I know you don't have to tell me" I replied rolling me eyes as we pulled up at the school entrance. I kissed George on the cheek to say thank you as Macy just said thank you. We both got out the car receiving strange looks from just about everyone at school, when a group of girls from the year below us came running over "how do you know George Smith?" "Is George your boyfriend" "have you met Blake and Reece aswell?" "Are they just as fit in real life?" Thousands of questions were thrown at both of us as our cheeks tinged red under the looks of everyone. "What are you on about?" Macy finally spoke up, "that's George Smith from New Hope Club!" A small blonde girl shouted. Oh so they have a young fan base, that's cute. Me and Macy giggled just as the bell went, saved by the bell I guess. Me and Macy barged our way through the crowd and sat next to each other for first lesson of Art.

It was now lunch time and me and Macy made our way over to the football pitch where we sat eating our lunch while talking, we also watch the boys but they're all self centred and like to show off so we end up turning away. Macy was still smiling to herself and seemed more happy then normal, "Macy why are you so happy, it's school?" I mumbled, her face almost broke in half as her smile grew, "omg I thought our never ask! Well basically after breakfast yesterday and you went home me and Reece both went to my house as mum was out and dad was at work obviously, we chilled for a while just watching movies and then he kissed me!!!! Grace he kissed me!!!!" I laughed histerically at my bestie before telling her to calm down as she danced around the pitch and shouting "I kissed Reece" over and over again, after a few minutes she came and sat back down out of breath and panting like a dog. "Reece won't find you attractive like that now will he" I said cockily earning a slap to my arm. I hissed in pain when the bell went and me walked back inside for last lesson.

When the bell went at the end of the day I waited outside of Macy's history room before leaving the building with her still babbling on about Reece, I rolled my eyes several times before shoving my headphones in and deciding not to listen anymore. As we left the gate I saw a familiar car and three boys leaning on the side smirking at us both, I took my headphones out and nudged Macy as she was daydreaming. Her eyes fixed to Reece and she blushed, we both walked over to where they were parked. "Ew, what are you doing here?" I joked "we're taking you ice skating" Blake smirked. Ice skating? What? Macy looked just as confused as me, before we could question "it's been a month since we first all met, this is like an anniversary celebration" Reece stated, I laughed at how happy they all looked " but we're still in uniform?" However the smirks didn't leave there faces "we have bags with outfits in for you, we went shopping today and thought we'd buy you both something" "awwwww guys" me and Macy both cooed in sync. We all climbed in the car, Reece had called shotgun again so I was made to sit in the middle between Macy and Blake, this is going to be a very awkward journey.

Falling For You ~ Blake RichardsonWhere stories live. Discover now