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Seto tried to stand as straight as possible in order to keep the fabric of his shirt from rubbing against the skin of his back. He would be trying to keep it from being touched at all for a few days, at least. Gozaburo had flogged him until his entire back felt raw and he didn't think he would ever move again; that's what Seto got for being too tired or sore to adequately satisfy the cruel corporation president. Any contact at all made it sting, and the more it came into contact with anything, like his shirt, the more the raw skin burned.

Once he'd gotten dressed, he'd pocketed the money and entered the elevator to go back to the ground floor and finally head home for the night. He was about a third of the way down when the elevator stopped, and Seto started. The doors opened, and he was faced with a teen who looked like he could be Seto's twin, even though his hair had been dyed a vibrant neon green.

He had the same lanky form as Seto, same height, same proportions. Even their eyes were the same piercing shade of sapphire blue. The other smirked as he stepped inside the elevator and pushed the button to take him to Gozaburo's office. The doors closed as they stood side by side and the carriage continued its descent.

"So you're my father's little whore."

The smooth voice, the mocking tone, the arrogant attitude, his own severe physical pain: it was more than enough to make Seto snap.

Seto turned on the other teen, catching him in the jaw with a closed fist. The other looked surprised as he was knocked into the wall of the elevator, as if he wasn't used to physical retaliation. Seto turned to face the elevator doors again, feeling smug.

"You're no better than me, Moneybags."

"Do you have any idea who I am?" Noah sounded outraged as he rubbed his aching jaw.

"Yes. You're Noah Kaiba, international chess champion, heir to the Kaiba Corporation, and tabloid playboy. You're no better than me." And one of the four owners of a Blue-Eyes White Dragon card, although he kept that to himself. It wasn't public knowledge, and the only reason Seto knew was because of his weekly visits to the KaibaCorp Headquarters. There was no need to say it aloud. Seto threw a glare at Noah. "I would even venture to say that I'm better than you."

"How dare you!" Noah was furious. "You're worth less than the dirt on my shoes, you slut!"

"How about you put your money where your mouth is?" Seto returned, turning to face the entitled, rebellious teen. This was either one of the stupidest decisions of his life or one of the smartest things he'd ever done. Maybe he was lashing out because of his frustrations with his situation, or maybe he just hated Gozaburo so much that taking it out on his son was good enough. They stood toe to toe, enmity crackling in the air between them like electricity.

"What did you have in mind?"

"How about a chess match?"

Noah laughed cruelly.

"Alright, fine. I'll enjoy wiping the floor with you. If I win, you'll become my little toy instead of my father's." He crossed his arms, looking confident that Seto would back down at the prospect of such high stakes.

"And if I win," Seto said as he crossed his arms. "Then you have to give me your Blue-Eyes White Dragon card." Even he knew that it was far too risky to try and ask for money. That would only end in violence and a legal mess.

"Then it's a match." Noah raised one eyebrow, looking as smug as if he'd already won. "Meet me on the forty-fifth floor, Saturday, at midnight. If you're late, you'll lose automatically."

"I won't be late."

"See you then."

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Seto walked out of the elevator, the rush of adrenaline fueling him as he walked all the way to Ryou's house. He didn't want to step inside and get side-tracked again. However, as Ryou told Mokuba to get his things together (you would think that he'd have learned by now to be ready for when his brother came to pick him up), Mr. Bakura stepped up to the door.

Rock Bottom: Season ZeroWhere stories live. Discover now