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"I am a thief and a stealer of souls, and I have done terrible things in my quest to possess the Millennium Items. Now, I have the chance to acquire two more." He looked at the two sitting across the table from him. "That is, of course, assuming that you would like to continue the game and not forfeit, for if you were to forfeit the match, your friends' souls would become a permanent part of my collection. If you lose, however, your souls will become a part of my game as well, leaving your bodies comatose and your Millennium Items unguarded."

Seto couldn't seem to shake the words of the Evil Spirit out of his mind. Zorc. Why did that name sound familiar? It shouldn't, since he'd never heard it before in his entire life. He could feel Seth stirring in the back of his mind—which was a disturbing sensation in and of itself—as the spirit wished to explain things to him.

I can tell you why.

No! Seto shouted at him mentally. That's enough out of you. You're just an auditory hallucination induced by stress. I shouldn't even be acknowledging you.

Denial doesn't change reality, Seth retorted gravely. It doesn't matter how many times you tell those good people that you're fine, it doesn't change the fact that you're a mess.

Shut up! It was all Seto could do to refrain from speaking the words aloud, he thought them with such vehemence.

"Seto, are you alright?" Mokuba asked, making Seto look to his side where Mokuba also sat on the step. "You're really quiet, and you look kind of angry." Seto forced his face to relax, even though it was the least genuine expression he could have worn at the moment.

"Yes, I'm alright Mokuba. Don't worry about me," he answered smiling at his brother. Amane was on Mokuba's other side, and Seto only just now realized that they were holding hands as they neared the ends of their popsicles. The sight made Seto's anger ebb a bit, and it made his smile a bit more sincere, even as it saddened him. It reminded him that Mokuba was growing up, that he was nearing puberty, and that Seto was basically the only dependable father-figure Mokuba had.

It made Seto feel old to think about raising his brother as if he were his son. Even so, Seto's feelings for Mokuba were already more paternal than fraternal. He was growing up much too fast, both of them were. And Seto was already losing Mokuba to a girl. Seto didn't have the luxury of romance, and quite frankly, romance was the last thing on his mind these days. He'd lost all taste for such a thing not long after he'd been forced into his current line of "work." He was disillusioned with the entire idea of relationships and marriage and love. It was only those incredibly rare moments when he saw a couple that was just right for each other—like Ryou's parents—that made him doubt for just a moment his perspective. But when the moment passed, so did the doubt, and his cynicism was as strong as ever.

"You two should go inside and wash up," Seto said, noting that the children were finished with their frozen treats, but their hands and faces were all sticky with the melted syrup. They obeyed, and Seto stayed outside for a few more minutes, just watching the late afternoon sky turn orange and gold with the impending sunset.

Seth looked down at the game-board, his expression gentling as he made eye contact with Seto. "Hello, Seto."

"You!" Seto said accusatorily. The voice was similar to his, but not the same. It was the voice from his dream, the one who had called him "child" and "son."

"Yes, Seto, it's me. I suppose I owe you an explanation, but we have more pressing matters at hand." He looked up at their opponent, his eyes appraising the threat he truly posed to them.

"I still don't get it. Who are these people?" Anzu asked, looking perplexed.

"I think he's from the Millennium Puzzle," Yugi answered thoughtfully as he gazed up at his mirror self. "Ever since I solved it, every time I duel or game I feel like there's a voice guiding me."

Rock Bottom: Season ZeroWhere stories live. Discover now