There is something about her

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(John's POV)

This is just a filler chapter....

During the night after a school event, I was walking home alone in the dark on Ramsay Street.

Out in the distance in the moonlight I saw a female figure, walking alone as well. I walked over to her. "Hey," I say.

She glared at me and she gave me a smile. She has a adorable smile. The street lights made her blue eyes sparkle in the light. "Hi."

"Mind if I walk you home?" I asked nervously. I get nervous around pretty girls.

"Sure. I'm Korey by the way."

"I'm John. Are you new to Riverveiw High? I've never seen you around."

"Yeah, I just moved here."

"I think you're going to like it a lot."

"I hope so."

"Do you mind if I ask why you moved here?"

"Sure. I moved here because I was placed into another foster home. I've lived in three so far, I hope they can keep me."

"What happened to the other homes?"

"Well let's just say one wasn't a safe place and the other didn't want me."

"Do you even know the foster family you're going to be living with?"

"Yup, I actually got to meet them and see how they're like. They seem nice, I hope they treat me well."

"What hap-" I cut myself off before I asked her about her birth parents. I shouldn't be asking that, I don't even know her and she probably doesn't want to talk about it. "If you ever need me to show you around the school, I'll be happy to give you a tour."

She gave me that beautiful smile. "Thank you. We're here. This is where I live."

"This is were I live too." Wait, did my parents foster Korey? Since when do they want to foster?

We gave each other shocked expressions. "WHAT?!"

"I had no idea my parents were going to foster kids. They never told me anything. Anyway, just come with me."

I walked up the long stairs with Korey behind me and we enter the house. My parents are sitting in the living room as if it wait for us to return.

"John, Korey, could you sit down. We'd like to speak with you," my mother said.

We both took a seat on the couch and our parents were sitting across from us in another couch. We looked up at both of our parents.

"This here is your foster sister," my father spoke.

"But we're not sure if her adoption will go through. She might be here until she gets a home. We have some rules for both of you to follow. You can't fall in love, nor be sexual with each other and kiss. You guys are brother and sister! It may not seem like it, but she's part of the family and you're going to treat her like a sister."

I was suddenly hurt that I was told I couldn't fall in love with her, it broke my heart. How could I live with her and not tell her my feelings and how can I stop falling for her? "Yes, I sure will!" I gave a smile.

"We're sorry John that we didn't tell you that you're going to have a foster sister," my father said.

"It's fine, I've always wanted another sibling." But not as stunning as this one. Stop it John, she's your sister and you can't have her, some other guy will have her.

"I want you guys to respect each other. Alright time for bed you two," my mother said as we all rose from the couches and went our separate ways.

I closed my bedroom door behind me. Why couldn't my parents adopt a boy? This girl could've been my true love, BUT THEY RUINED IT FOR ME!

I need to calm down, I need to stop falling for Korey, but I CAN'T! It's impossible for somebody to fall un-inlove.

I pulled out a t-shirt out of my dresser and I take off my clothes and I put on the shirt. I heard a knock on the door. It's probably just my mother. I sighed and I opened it, to see Korey standing there.

Crap, she can see my boxers. I pull my shirt down to cover my boxers. Korey just laughed. She just looks so stunning in her night gown. "I just wanted to say good night."

"Yeah, see ya in the morning. Oh, you don't need to worry about my parents, they're really nice and they won't hit you but they will yell at you."

"Thank you." She turned on her heel and she went back to her room.

I closed the door. Damn it! I have to stop saying how stunning she is-I let out a sigh and I climb into bed. There is something about her that I love.

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