We Have to Keep our Relationship a Secret

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We enter the principles office, the tension in the room was uneasy. "Please have a seat." He sat down in his chair and we sat down in the chairs that he had set up in front of his  wooden desk.

"So did you guys know what you did wrong?"

We both shook our heads and we said no. "You guys kissed! You're brother and sister!"

My eyes avoided his gaze and they looked around the room. He had stacks on paper on his desk and he had pictures hung on the wall that looked like that's his family.  "John, look at me while I'm talking!"

I let out a sigh and I fixed my eyes back on his face.

"But we're no blood related," Korey spoke.

"But, you're living with John's parents and they adopted you, so it makes them your parents."

"They didn't adopt me yet. They gave me a home, a place to stay until my mom can have me back."

"Yeah, she's not going to live there for long."

"But didn't your parents tell you that you're going to be brother and sister?"

We both nodded.

"Well then you treat each other like brother and sister. John, would you date your blood sister?"

"No, never."

"Korey, would you date your blood bother?"

"That would be wrong."

"Okay, what about if you had a adoptive sibling, would you date them?"

"No", we both said.

"Then you guys shouldn't be dating, you're like siblings. If I catch you holding hands or kissing, I'm telling your parents, understood?"

"Yes," I lied. I can't believe I can't date her. It breaks my heart.

"I understand, sir."

A smile grew on his lips. "Good, now you're free to go."

Korey and I quickly left his office. "John, can we still date, but not make it noticeable?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, of course."

"I just don't want our parents knowing, it wouldn't be good."

"Yeah," I can just picture in my head what would happen if our parents would find out, it's not too pretty.

We head to our class, which is boring study hall. I'm happy we have the same study hall, it will make it fun. I just hope Korey will be with her mother so we can date.

A/N: Does any one listen to Deadset Society? Well there's this song called Born Again and they say it's about fucking. Like I don't see it... I was shocked when I heard about the meaning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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