Korey is Mine

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Korey and I held hands as we walked down the halls. I didn't care what anyone says, I love Korey. She's not my sister, she's not blood related, she's my girlfriend.

"Well looks like someone has a new girlfriend," my friend Jen said with a smile.

"Yep! Jen, this is Korey."

The two girls exchanged smiles and shook hands. "Nice to meet you," Jen said.

"Nice to meet you as well."

"I've never seen you around before. Are you new?"

Korey nodded her head. "Yes, I am new. I just got here."

"Oh cool, welcome! You will love it here."

We all chatted about random stuff. Kor and Jen seem to be bonding quickly, which is good. She needs new friends.

I stood there in silence listening to their conversations. "Hey, Jen. Did you see Ben and Seth?"I spoke up.

She shook her head. "No I haven't seen them."

Before school started we always hung around and talk. I find it strange that Ben nor Seth showed up. Maybe they didn't feel like talking with us and decided to wait in their classes until the bell or they had to see their teachers for something.

Then suddenly the bell rung.

"Korey, do you know where you're going?" Jen spoke up.

"No, I have history."

"I'm in that class too! We can sit next to each other!"

I kissed Korey on the cheek. "Jen, will take good care if you. I'll see you guys later." I walked off. Korey is in good hands. I wouldn't want Ben or Seth in their hands, they like to fool around in class and they never get their work done.


Lunch had begun. I walked in the loud noisy room and I spot my friends. They're all there. I sit down with them and I get my lunch out of my bag.

"Where have you guys been?" I looked at Seth and Ben.

"Ben and I are in school suspension."

I chuckled along with Jen. "That does not surprise me."

"Wait, what did you guys do?" Korey asked, concerned.

"Whose this?" Seth asked pointing to Korey.

"Oh, this is Korey, she's my new girlfriend."

"I'm Seth and this is my cousin Ben."

"Nice to meet you both. Now why are you in school suspension?"

"Well you see, Korey they don't do any work, all they do is fool around," John replied.

"Hey! I do work!" Seth said raising his tone.

We all laughed at him, expect for Ben. We all know that Seth is lying. I've witnessed it all myself oh and Jen too.

They've been always nothing but trouble anyways. I remember they would race each other down the hall and they often print out pictures of random stuff and they would put on the whiteboards in classrooms.

They get away with half the stuff they do and the teachers put up with their behaviour. I guess this time someone had enough of them and decided to say something. I hope this will teach them a lesson.

"My mom texted me saying I'm grounded," Ben said with disappointment.

"That's too bad," I say sarcastically.

"For how long?" Seth asked.

"For a month." He rested his arms on the table and he faced down in between his arms. "Ugh I can't stand that long without video games or seeing my friends."

"You have to deal with it," I say.

The bell rung. We all groaned, we didn't lunch to end. We were all having a good time.

Next it's too study hall. I held hands with Korey as we left the cafe.

"What class do you have?" Korey asked me.

"Study hall," I kissed her cheek.

As I did that many people saw us and they looked degusted. We didn't care one bit.

"I do too!" She stopped us from moving any forward and she pulled her hand out of my grip and she stood in front of me and kissed me on the lips.

I entered the kiss. I love this girl so much, she means the world too me.

"John and Korey, to my office at once!" We both heard a firm voice call our names. He looked up and saw that it was the principal.

We both nodded and we headed to where he sent us. Did we do something wrong? All we did was kiss, is that the issue?

A/N: Happy that I finally updated on this story? 🙂

Update: Umm it's saying this never got published? Wattpad hates me!

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