Showing Her Around

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I awoke to my beeping alarm clock. I yawned and I reached over to the night stand and I flicked the switch and it shut off. I lied there thinking about yesterday's events. It seemed like it was a dream. That girl couldn't be real, she's to beautiful to be real.

I pulled the covers off my body and I get up lazily. I didn't want to go to school, I sure hope it's canceled or something happened to the building.

I walked over to my wooden dresser that was against the wall, right across from my bed. As I opened the drawer, my bedroom door suddenly swung right open. I glared over to see who it was, it was Korey. She had a big excited smile. Did another family adopt her? "I could've been naked in here!"

Korey giggled and she sat on my bed. "Mom told me to come in here to tell you there's no school."

What?! My thought came true! I must have super powers or something. "Really? What happened?"

"Some idiot set the school on fire."

"Whoa, really?"

She nodded. "Yup! So it might take a few days for us to go back."

I frowned. I'm stuck here in the house with her for two maybe three days. I can't live like that!

"What's that look for?"

"What look?"

"You're frowning."

I smiled. "No, I'm not!"

Suddenly I heard our  mother calling from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready!"

Korey rushed out of the room. I quickly put on some pants and I head downstairs.

My nose met with the smell of blueberry pancakes. (Now I want some!) I followed the smell into the kitchen. There on the table was a plate of pancakes. Mom must've just made them. I took a seat with my parents and my sister.

We all grabbed some pancakes and put them on our plates and we ate. My mom makes the best pancakes in the world!

"So you guys must be happy there's no school," my father said.

"Well I never went to that school yet."

"That's right! What about you John?" My father asked me.

"Not really. I won't get to see my friends," I reply as I take a bite of the pancake.

"You can always bond with your sister," my mother said.

Yeah, no. I won't because I'm in love with her. "I guess so."

Korey rose from her chair and she took her plate to the sink. "Let's do something fun, John!" She had a big smile on her face. She reminds me of a little kid.

"Alright, sure." I get up and take my plate to the sink.

"First get some clothes on! You're going to show me around the neighborhood."

We walked up the stairs together and went in our own rooms and threw some clothes on.


We were walking on the sidewalks. It was bright and sunny, the wind seemed light and blowing. I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful woman next to me. I wounder is she likes me the same way or does she see me as a brother?

"Uh Korey. Would you know if you got another family?"

"I'm not sure, but first I have to go to Cort and see if the judge approves of me staying or not. I hope I continue staying here I really love this family."

I sure wish you didn't live here. "Is it alright if I ask you about your birth parents?"

"Of course. My mom had a one night stand with some guy she doesn't even know. She couldn't afford to take care of me so here I am."

"That's too bad. Do you still see her?" I asked.

"Yeah I still do, she lives the next town over. She's working on getting another job so she can afford for the things she couldn't before and maybe I'll be able to move in with her."

"That would be great! I'm sure your mother would love that." I said with a kind smile.

"Yeah, I miss her. So tell me about your self."

"I don't have an interesting life. I know how to play the drums, the guitar and piano. And I can shout; I am a PEANUT!"

Korey let out a laugh. "Whoa, that's a lot of instruments! I can drum and I play the piano as well!"

"That's cool, maybe someday we can form a band. I have a few friends that know how to play too."

"Maybe we all can play sometime," Korey's smile beamed and it made her big blue eyes light it, it was so cute.

"Yeah! That's a great idea! You'd love my friends!"

We're been walking and talking for hours now, I'm starting to become very close to Korey. I think now I'm see her as a sister but a part of me is still in love with her. "Wanna head back?" I asked her.

"Not really. I like spending time with you and getting to know you," she said in a seduce tone.

Her tone made my heart skip a heart and I gulped. I think she likes me the way I do her. "I think we should head back sis, our parents would be worried." I reminded her that we're siblings, nothing more.

"I guess so. Thank you for showing me around."


"Can we go to the park tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Sure."

We turned around and headed back home. I sure hope she lives with her mother so I can be with her and I'm sure she'd want to be with me.

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