Chapter 23

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Guude and Eis watched as the Mindcrackers worked, calculating the amount of time they have before they have to bail on getting to the New York group.

Eis sighed, and walked over to them.

"I estimate that we would have... 30 minutes and twenty two seconds until you are torn to shreads from the humidity." Eis said, and the Mindcrackers nodded.

"Which gives us a problem. How do we get them, and get them plus us back without us dying?" Aurey asked, and Guude sighed.

"That's the issue. We had learned of the Fallen Stars' abilities back in Mjulkin, but we did not know of their true ability. This may be the last time they get to use them..." Guude sighed. Avidya, Coe, Nebs, and Etho all shared a glance, and then nodded back at Guude.

"We can get up there." Etho said, and Eis looked at them with a glare.

"Are you insane?! No! Absolutely not! I shall not allow you to risk your lives that way, I won't let you die like this for me!" Eis declined, and Coe shook his head.

"Your majesty, we've done stuff like this, we've sacrificed ourselves like this..." Coe said, and Eis crossed her hands.

"Yes. Back in Mjulkin. Where you could use magic to revive the undead, like Schädel did. This is not my world Coe... and-" Eis stopped when she saw the Mindcrackers smiling at her. She sighed and slumped her arms to her sides.

"There's nothing I can say to change your mind... is there...?" Eis asked, and the Fallen Stars shook their heads. Eis thought for a moment, then groaned.

"Fine." Eis finally agreed. The Mindcrackers celebrated.

*an hour later*

The fallen stars have collected masks, to protect their eyes from the wind when they eventually launch. Eis walked up to them alone.

"Your magic only let's you do so much, so you'll have to go one at a time. Only Avidya and Nebris could fly, so the rest of you have to use what you can. Etho, you and Coe can use teleportation, so be careful, concentrate." Eis started, and gave them all communicators that she had made.

"These are your comms. Put them in your ears before taking off. Huh... If Pak was here he would have had to use teleportation as well..." Eis sighed sadly, bowing her head to the side. The Fallen Stars bowed theirs downwards. Eis looked back at them.

"You must be careful... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I found out I had cost you a life. No, nine lives. So please... as much as I hate to say it... don't hurt yourselves... be safe Mindcrackers." Eis smiled, they nodding as an agreement. Eis hugged them all singly, and stepped back.

"So-" Avidya started, "-who's first?" He asked, and everyone of his friends looked at him. Avidya groaned, while Coe celebrated.

"It wasn't me this time!" Coe joked, and they all laughed. Avidya sighed, and looked at the sky, his red aura glowing on the spots they should. He put his ear piece in, and looked to the others.

"Wish me luck..." Avidya smiled, and they nodded. Avidya looked back to the sky, and closed his eyes. Avidya lunged forwards, and was gone in a streak of red.

Avidya soared through the sky, going at about 97 km an hour. Everything was quiet... then heard Guude's voice through the eirpiece.

"~Avidya? Everything alright~?" Guude asked.

"Everything was fine until you started talking." Avidya smiled. There was laughter through the comm.

"~oooh, ouch.~" Avidya heard Guude chuckle.

"Don't worry Guude, everything's alright up, here." Avidya stuttered in between, seeing a small something purple glow up above.

"~what was that stutter? Avidya~?" Guude asked. Avidya snapped out of it.

"Nothing Guude. How long do I have until it make it?" Avidya asked, and there was brief silence.

"~about ten minutes til you make it. Thirteen until you eventually run out of air~" Doc answered, leaving Avidya sighing. He then saw a ball of purple rushing towards him.

"HOLY SHISHCABOB!" Avidya shouted, and barrel rolled to the right to avoid it.

"~Avidya?! Avidya are you there~?!" Guude asked, and Avidya took a deep breath. He saw the cube of glass in the distance, but he also saw Traube and Schädel throwing magic at him from the distance.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but we may have a small issue." Avidya said, and grunted while dodging a green ball of magic.

"Traube and Schädel are trying to throw magic at us. They're trying to get us killed!"

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