Part 9

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"NATURE!!" I screamed trying to get up. But it was no use, since I was pinned down by the power of darkness.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you want to go and hug him, don't you? Well, you can't. Because both of you are mine now." The creature said.

"No!!" I screamed, struggling even harder. I tried to make magic, but there was too much darkness around me.

I looked at Nature. "Help!!!" I screamed, but he looked at me with no emotion, no color -

- it was like there was no Stallion left in him. Just... Darkness.

"He can't help you now. No one can help you now..." The evil stallion said.

Then, everything went black.

                   *  *  *  *  *  *

"Wake up!"

I was jolted awake by a loud voice. I jumped up and looked around, realizing I was in a cell. "Where the heck am I??"

"You're in a cell."

"I can see th-" I was about to snap at him, but then I recognized the pony. "Happy Mark?"

Happy Mark looked puzzled. "How do you know my name?"

"We met before, remember? At the train station?" I ask, confused.

"I've never seen you before in my life." He then muttered, "the King told me this pony would be weird."

"King?" I then looked around me. There was no color whatsoever, just black, gray, and a little white. I then looked at Happymark's flank. "W-where's your cutie mark?"

"What's a cutie mark?" He tilted his head in confusion.

I shook my head, on the edge of tears. "No... No... This can't be happening." I looked at the stallion. "A cutie mark is what you're supposed to do, your destiny. And there is no king, just the two princesses of Equestria!"

"STOP IT!" He yelled at me. "You're not making any sense!! The king said you were crazy, you - " he cringed at the word "-you color ponies!" The stallion pushed a food tray underneath the door. "Just eat." He then galloped away, leaving me alone and confused.

"No cutie marks? No color? K-King?" I shook my head. "I can't believe this is happening."

"I can't believe this is happening either." I looked up to see my un-colorful brother, staring at me. "We finally caught you."

I reached for him through the bars. "Nature!! Please get me out of here."

He smacked my hoof away. "Why would I do that for you?"

"Because I'm your sister and the black stallion, he's evil!" I yelled at him.

"Don't talk to me like that!!" He grabbed me with his black magic and slammed me on the wall, making me gasp for air. "I will never call you my sister. And sure, he's evil, but he's the only one that ever cared about me!!"

"He - doesn't - care - about - you - are you - crazy?!" I say between breaths. "Mom - dad - and - I - did!"

"Mom and dad did." Nature sneered. "Until you killed them."


"Don't act so innocent!! The king told me about how you started the fire and killed our parents. You tried to kill me too, but he saved me." He glared at me.

"He's been feeding you lies!" I screamed, tears in my eyes.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!" He yelled. "He told me you would lie to me. I'm not going to listen. Goodbye, you evil pony." He then spat at me through the bars, making me wipe it away with my hoof.

I laid down on the cold floor. "I failed..." Tears started streaming down my face. "I failed you mom and dad... I-I'm so sorry."

"C-ColorWing?" A familiar voice said from nearby.

I look up. "Is that who I think it is??"

"It's me, FireHeart!! To your left!!" I turned to my left and looked through three tiny bars. There, I saw the colorful face of FireHeart.

"FireStar!! Oh my Celestia." I looked at her. "Why aren't you black and white?? I'm supposed to be the only colorful one!"

"I thought about that too!" She said, overjoyed. "I can't believe you're alive!!"

"I can't believe that either!" Suddenly, my smile faded. "But it doesn't matter...We can't get out of here anyway."

"What about your magic?"

"I can't use it with all this darkness." I tried to lift up the tray with my horn, but my magic jut sparked and died down. "See?"

"Hm..." Fire Heart said, thinking.

"Give it up." I laid back down on the floor. "It's no use."

"Wait!!" I look back at her. Surprisingly, she was smirking. "I think I have an idea..."


DUN DUN DUN!!! Cliffhanger! What do you think will happen next? Comment down below!

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