Chapter 7

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The hallway was lit with wall sconces set at regular intervals down its length. A thick, dark blue rug ran down its center and doors showed up in even pairs. At the far right end was the curve of a bannister.

Illara propped her good hand on the wall as she carefully made her way toward the stairs. The glow of light came from below, and as she neared she could see that the wide flight led down to a large hall. There were long tables down its length with benches tucked beneath.

There seemed no sign of life.

She made sure to get a solid grip on the banister and then she began her descent. One foot at a time. She made sure her stance was steady and sure before taking on the next one. She was in no rush. Better she reach the bottom in one piece rather than in a tumbled, broken heap.

At last she reached the bottom and took a proper look around.

The hall reminded her in many ways of the one in her own Kingdom's capital. It seemed as if it could easily seat a hundred men and women. A massive fireplace was off to the right, built of marble, with curling shapes carved into it. She couldn't quite make them out in the flickering firelight and candlelight. At the head of the hall was the traditional raised dais with its table. At the foot, a pair of large, oak doors were barred shut. She wondered that there were no guards stationed on either side.

There was a movement by the fire and she froze.

A man rose from a seat and turned to face her.

Her mouth went dry.

He was one of the most handsome men she'd ever seen.

He was perhaps six feet tall, slender, with short blond hair and stunning blue eyes. He wore a dark blue tunic over dark leggings and leather boots. Every aspect of his attire shone with quality, from the gold embroidery along his neckline to the silver engraving of his buckle.

Her gaze went to his.

She swallowed.

There was something in his eyes. Something that flickered with the slyness of a snake's tongue. She almost took a step back, but she held herself firm.

She could handle this.

His eyes drew down her in interest, and then he waved a hand. "So you're up at last. I've been waiting for you. Come, sit with me."

She glanced around again, but it appeared they were wholly alone. Not a soul stirred in the shadows.

He smiled. "The keep is asleep. It's been a busy day. I'm sure you'll be able to meet everyone in the morning. In the meantime, come have some mulled wine. I'm sure you'll appreciate it, after what you've been through."

She moved across the room, deliberately using slow, unsteady steps. The weaker he thought her, the better her advantage should she have to resort to physical force when escaping.

She eased into the chair opposite him. She pitched her voice to be low and tenuous. "Thank you for your hospitality, kind sir. Might I ask how I got here? The last I remember, I was walking along the mountain path."

He smiled, pouring out another glass of wine from a crystal decanter and handing it to her. "First, a toast. To new beginnings."

Her fingers closed on the stem in frustration. New beginnings indeed. Still, contesting his toast seemed a poor way to ease her way into his trust. She nodded with a warm smile. "Yes, yes. New beginnings."

He clinked his glass against hers and they both drank.

He put his glass down on the small table beside him and smiled, looking her over again. "As to how you got here, when word spread of what had happened, I joined the search. I found you collapsed on the high pass path. You were completely exhausted and covered with injuries. Luckily there was nothing significant, beyond your sprained wrist."

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