Brash - Chapter 1

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Brock's POV

Lately I've worried about Ash. He's basically been puking his guts for about a week, he's been very moody, he gets dizzy a lot easier, he even passed out on a mission, and he has gained a little weight.

We've had unprotected sex lately, so my thoughts are leading to the most unlikely....that he's pregnant. I didn't think I had to wear protection!

Ash came back to bed after puking, again. "Hey, Ashie, are you okay?" I ask. "Yes. I'm fine." He replies snappily. Being moody, not very new.

"Ash, I'm worried about you." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Well recently, you haven't been acting the same....Are you really and truly okay?" I ask. "I told you, I'm fine!" Ash yells, looking me in the eye. This shocks me.

He curls up in a little ball and looks as if he was crying. I pull him into a hug and kiss his forehead. Ash buries his face in my chest, and starts shaking like he was crying.

"I-I'm sorry Brock." Ash says. "It's okay, Ash. I'm just worried about you. I'm sorry that I pressured you." I say, calmly and just loud enough for him to hear. "It's okay, Brock. It's not your fault, it's mine." He states. I just shrug it off. It's not his fault at all.

Ash pulls away. It was clear he has just stopped crying.

"Um, Ash. I have a personal question to ask you." I say. "What is it?" He asks. "Uh...." I trail off. I don't want him any madder than he is, well was.

"Brock, what's the question?" Ash asks sternly. I sigh. I have to ask it. "Ash, are, are you pregnant?" I ask. "What the frick makes you think that?!" He asks angrily.

"It's just, you've been acting strange. Ya know, the puking, the dizziness, the passing out on that mission, the mood swings and the weight gain." I say, saying the last part quietly.

Ash glares at me. His glare soon diminishes. "Why would you think I, a male, was pregnant?" He asks. "I have a lot of younger siblings. The things your experiencing sound like symptoms of pregnancy." I say. Ash looks confused. "Did your mom ever pass out?" He asks. "No, but she wasn't as young as you are. Most of the time only teenagers faint during pregnancy." I reply.

"How would we know if I was, you know, that?" Ash asks. "A test, or going to the doctor's for an ultrasound. The tests given in pharmacies don't often work. Going to the doctor's would be smarter." I reply. "I suggest a doctor. This could just be appendicitis." Ash replies. "Let's hope it's not appendicitis." I say....

~Author's Note~
First chapter of my Brash MPreg. I do ship these two cuties a lot! I hope your liking it! Bye Aqualines!

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