Brash - Chapter 5

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~Author's Note~
This chapter contains a weird details. (Well, I think it is, but I think all my writing is cringe so.....) If you don't like MPreg birth than skip this chapter. Now, without further ado, let's start reading/writing!

Ash's POV

Month 9

I wake up after a peaceful night's rest. Last night Brock had to make Bricen calm down again.

I relax till this wave of pain hits me. I hold back a scream. Oh no. Not again. I think. This happened yesterday and Brock said it was false labor. I'm very close to the due date so that makes sense. I guess.


The pain continues. It doesn't cease. I decide it's time to wake Brock. Maybe he knows what's going on.

I carefully shake Brock, hoping he'll wake up. "Brock!" I whisper yell. "Brock!" He still doesn't wake up. I need him, and now!


After 3 minutes of shaking Brock, he finally wakes up. "Ash, what's wrong?" He asks in his sexy, tired voice. "I don't know. All I know is that I'm in a lot of pain!" I exclaim.

"Where are you feeling pain?" Brock asks. I can hear the frightened tone in his voice. "This wave of pain will just go through my body every once in awhile. Like it did yesterday." I reply.

I feel slight cramping as I say this. I wince at it. "And now cramping." I say. Brock gives me a worried look. What is it? Is something seriously wrong with me?! I wonder.

"Ash, you are going into labor." Brock states. "But, don't worry. Doctors recommend spending the first stage of labor at home. You can relax and get ready for this, experience." He pauses before he says 'experience'. Is he hiding something from me?


I grit my teeth as another contraction comes along. They are much closer than they were hours ago. "You're doing great, Ash. Keep going." Brock encourages.

I breath in deeply as another contraction comes. "I will kill you after this!" I threaten. I don't care at this point, this is painful!

"Just think Ash, in a few hours we'll be able to see Bricen." Brock says.

I then feel it. I feel something within my body burst and warm, amniotic fluid trickle down my legs. (I'm sorry! I felt uncomfortable writing this, but I didn't care.)

"My water broke." I say in a low voice. Brock takes notice. He grabs the overnight bag we packed especially for this moment and helps me out to the car. (Yes, they do have cars in Pokémon. JUST LOOK WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL EYEBALLS! 👀)


I lay on the slightly uncomfortable hospital bed as Brock fills out paperwork. It sucks that we're separated at the moment. I need him right now!

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