Brash - Chapter 2

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~Author's Note ~
*The video above has nothing to do with this chapter. It's just funny AF and is why I ship Brash....Let's get reading/writing!

Ash's POV

Brock and I are going to take me for an ultrasound to make sure nothing is wrong with me. We're both hoping it's nothing serious like appendicitis...


"Ash Ketchum?" A nurse calls. Brock and I stand, hand in hand, and walk towards her. I hear someone whisper, "Gay!" behind us. I take notice that Brock heard too. I squeeze his hand to tell him, "Don't do it." He just pretends to shrug it off and we follow the nurse.

"Right this way." The nurse says. She leads us to a small room. "Mr. Ketchum, please lay on the bed. Dr. Birch will be with you in a moment." She says before she closes the door behind us.

There's a strange machine beside the bed that I was instructed to lay on. Is that how they take an ultrasound? It looks painful.

"Maybe you should take your jacket off." Brock says, snapping me back to reality. "Maybe I should." I reply. I take my jacket off and Brock holds it. "Thanks." I say. "No problem, Ashie." He replies.

Brock's POV

I can sense that Ash is nervous. He lays on the bed as he was told. I intertwine my hand with his and kiss his hand. "Don't worry, Ash. I'll be here, no matter what happens." I say. This seems to comfort Ash. "That's a relief." He says.

Then, a tall, tannish skinned, lady enters the room. "Why, hello! You must be Ash Ketchum. I am Dr. Birch and I am here to see what's going on." Dr. Birch says. She seems way too happy to be a doctor

"Now, Ash. What seems to be the problem?" Dr. Birch asks. "Well, um, I've been having strange mood swings, dizziness, I've been vomiting every morning for like a week now, and I have recently, unexpectedly, gained a little weight." Ash replies.

"Hmmm. Some symptoms support your appendicitis theory, some don't at all, but, all of them do support your pregnancy theory." Dr. Birch exclaims. "Only an ultrasound and, or, a blood test will make certain what is going on."

A blood test? Brock didn't say anything about using needles. I hate needles!

"Now, Ash, please lay down, relax, and pull your shirt up." Dr. Birch says. I do as I was told, like an obedient dog, not like the stubborn person I really am. "This will be a little cold." Dr. Birch says as she pulls out this weird jell stuff.

She applies is on my stomach. "Holy Charmander! That's cold!" I exclaim. I see Brock stifling a laugh. I glare at him. "Sorry Ashie." He says. "It's okay." I reply.

Dr. Birch glances at Brock and I and then continues. She moves the transducer (Looked up the name!!) across the flesh freezing jell. Brock holds my hand as she continues with the procedure.

Dr. Birch moves the transducer till this weird black dot appears on the screen. "What's that?" I question. "Congratulations, Ash. You are pregnant!" Dr. Birch announces.

~Author's Note~
Chapter 2. How ya liking it? 😄😅 I'm liking it!!! 😍

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