Brash - Chapter 3

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Ash's POV

"Pr-Pregnant?" I ask, truly shocked. I look over at Brock, he's beaming. "Ash, that's great!" He exclaims. "What?! Do you not know how painful it is to give birth to a child?" I ask, demandingly and frantically as ever.

"I know, but, wouldn't be great to have a child?" Brock asks. To tell the truth, I have always thought of having children, in the far future, but now? I mean, my mom does want grandchildren and when I came out, she was disappointed. At least she'll be very happy, if she doesn't think I'm a freak.

"I-I guess it would be great to have a child. Our parents would be happy, especially yours." I say, in reply to Brock. He smiles in reply. "Congratulations you two! Now, do you want pictures of this?" Dr. Birch asks. "Um, sure." Brock replies.

As Dr. Birch prints the pictures, I clean the translucent jell off of me. I get up from the bed and sit beside Brock.

"Brock, what if my mom thinks I'm a freak?" I ask. "What? Why would your mom think that?" He asks. "Um, me being a male and pregnant." I reply, whispering the last part. "Ash, that's a miracle. I'm very happy that your giving me a child. If your mom and my parents can't accept that, then, it doesn't matter." Brock replies.

"But they're our parents." I say. "That means they should bless this child and accept it." Brock says. He's correct, if our parents can't accept this, then they shouldn't be allowed in our child's life.

Dr. Birch comes back into the small room with the pictures. "Here you go. Good luck you two." She says. "Thank you so much." Brock and I say.

We walk out of the hospital, hand in hand. "Shouldn't we tell our parents?" I ask. "Maybe we should wait till we hear the heartbeat. Just in case it's a miscarriage." Brock replies. Miscarriage? I never thought of that. I still have a lot to learn and only a short time to learn it......

Video Above - They Don't Know About Us lyrics
(Song by One Direction)
Video by - ItsManon22

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