Brash - Chapter 4

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Brock's POV

Month 1

I apply gentle pressure in between Ash's shoulder blades as he throws up again. This morning sickness is killing him. I feel sorry for him. I wish I could stop this, but this is one of the many perks  of pregnancy.

"It hurts." Ash says in a hoarse voice. "I know it does, Ashie, but you need to let it out. You'll feel better afterwards." I reply, trying to encourage Ash to keep going. He gives me a "whatever you say" look.

Ash's POV

Month 2

Brock and I told our parents last month. Brock's mom was thrilled to bits! His dad was a little hesitant in accepting the child, but fortunately Brock's mom talked to his dad and everything sorta worked out.

My mom was very accepting. She even gave Brock a stern talking to about how he'd better stay through everything, no matter what. I chuckled at my mom's protectiveness that day. I wish my dad actually came into my life to know that he was becoming a grandpa. Oh well, his loss!

Misty was a little accepting. She was a little mad that Brock and I had gotten this far in our relationship. I know she was practically praying for mine and Brock's relationship to crumble. I know she's always had a crush on me. She just didn't confess fast enough!

The best part about it being the second month and second trimester is that there is no more morning sickness. The bad part about it is, that the baby is starting to kick and show. One perks of pregnancy for sure.

Month 3

"I hate this new weight gain." I complain. "Daw! Come on, it's adorable." Brock insists. "Then why was I so thin before if this is so adorable?" I ask. Brock doesn't reply. "That's what I thought." I say sassily.

"Pika, pika!" Pikachu says. He's probably laughing at mine and Brock's little "argument". I've stopped letting him get on my head. He's probably sucking up the be able to be on my head too.

"Sorry, Pikachu. I told you that you couldn't be on my head again till about a year after the baby is born." I say as I scratch him in between his ears.

Pikachu gives me and Brock a "whatever " look, and then walks off angrily.

"Just let it sink in for him, Ashie. He'll get it soon enough." Brock says, resting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist.

~Skip 4th Month ~

Month 5

"Ash Ketchum!" A nurse calls. Brock helps me stand and we walk toward the nurse. A male nurse this time. "Right this way please." He says.

He leads us to a familiar room with the strange machine, a bed, a desk, and all the other medical supplies. "Dr. Birch will see you soon. Mr. Ketchum, please lay down on the bed." The male nurse says as he walks out and closes the door behind him.

Brock helps me lay down on the bed and sits down next to the bed. Dr. Birch walks in. "Hello Ash, Brock. How's everything going?" She asks in a cheerful tone. "The usual." Brock and I reply at the same time.

"Are you two ready to find out the gender of the baby?" Dr. Birch asks. "Yep. I'm voting for a boy." I reply. "I'm voting for a boy too." Brock replies. "That's interesting. Most parents choose opposite genders." Dr. Birch says.

I hold Brock's hand as Dr. Birch puts the flesh freezing jell on my fair sized baby bump. I hiss at how cold it is. Brock giggles.

If I wasn't against cussing so much there's a little word I would say that begins with an 'f' and ends with a 'k'.

Dr. Birch smirks at us and continues her job. She moves the transducer across the jell till what looks like a baby shows up on the screen next to the bed.

"Now do you want me to tell you the gender?" She asks. "Yes, please." I reply. "It's a boy. Congratulations!" She says. "Yes!" Brock cheers.

I clean the jell off of my stomach. Dr. Birch walks out of the room. Brock helps me to my feet and we exit the room too. "What should we name him?" I ask, out of the blue. "I don't really know." Brock replies. "How about, Bricen?" I ask. "That sounds fantastic." Brock replies.

~Skip Months 6 and 7~

Month 8

Our parents were happy to know that we are having a boy. They also really like the name, Bricen. Misty seems to have stopped talking to us. We try to get in contact with her but she just ignores us. I won't really let it bother me.

At the moment it's 9:38pm. I can't sleep. Baby Bricen keeps kicking. It's very annoying and uncomfortable. I pant as I try to get him to stop. He just continues. This is hopeless!

I guess Brock hears my struggles because he wakes up. "You okay, Ashie?" He asks in his sexy, tired voice. "No. Bricen....keeps kicking." I say, winded from the experience.

Brock rubs my baby bump. "Calm down, Bricen. Your mom needs sleep. Cut him some slack." He says quietly. "Mom, seriously?" I question. "Your the one who's pregnant." Brock retorts.

After about 10 minutes of Brock trying to sooth Bricen and calm him down, he finally stops kicking so hard. "Little Bri Bri has stopped." I say. Brock smiles, rolls over, and turns off the lamp. "Good night, Ashie." He says. "Goodnight, Brocky Boo." I reply.

~Author's Note~

Month 9 will be in the next chapter. This book will not end there! I promise! Bye Aqualines! <3.

(Thank you so much for reading this weird fan fiction. I appreciate it. Most people ship Ash and Misty, Ash and Gary, or Ash and Serena, but I'm the black sheep in the flock that ships Brock and Ash. Oh well, doesn't bother me! =3)

(BTW, this took 1 whole hour to write. Please enjoy it!)

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