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Tyler's POV

I snarl and throw my fist at the wooden table. I see Casey flinch along with a few Warriors before the submit.

"That son of a bitch has declared war!" I snarl put, feeling my wolf beginning to take control.

"Calm down, wolf man. He has some plan that I will figure out." My mate mutters, her blue eyes scanning the computer screen.

"Love, not everyone writes down what they think." I growl lowly.

Her eyes shift from the computer to meet mine. All I see is annoyance from her. Not a speck of fear or worry.

"You need to stop doubting me."

"I need you to call my mother and ask her for the papers for the marriage." She raises a brow, his lips tilting up slightly. "I cannot do any fighting legally unless my mate is by my side. I do not want to call my father to have him make the shots."

"Even if I do join your side, it will still be a bloodbath." She murmurs before going back to the computer.

I growl and look to Casey who nods and yanks his phone out of his pocket to call my mother.

The constant clacking of the keys on the computer before a muffled curse us the only noise in the room besides Casey's chatter.

The Warriors seem to barely breath in fear or provoking me or my mate. It feels like eternity before Casey clicks the phone off and nods to me.

"Wear a jacket." My mate mutters to the Beta before he leaves the room.

My brows furrow in confusion considering the warm weather outside. A few minutes later, Casey walks back in soaking wet.

"It's raining."

"It's told you to wear a jacket. It's not my fault you didn't listen to me." My mate retorts causing the Warriors to chuckle.

"Summer, love, what are you doing?" I ask softly.

She finally looks up from the computer, her eyes tired and stressed. "I'm trying to figure out what he plans to do. Your computer is slow and hacking is causing me stress."

"I'd offer to help but I never learned how to hack." Casey mumbles.

Her eyes snap to his. "Well, if you paid attention during training this wouldn't be a problem." She them sends him a cheeky grin before going emotionless and back to the computer.

The clicking being the only sound again. The air in the room is tense and my wolf is nearly snarling at not being able to take action against the threat to our mate.

"Did you get the papers?" I growl out, annoyed with Casey.

"Yes, Alpha." He yanks a few papers from under his shirt and hands them to me. I sigh before taking them.

"You are the cause of my stress as well."

"That is solely my job. Whoever threatens my job will be terminated." Summer mumbles before smacking her hand on the desk in anger. "What the fuck do you mean he has a new password?! This is my twin! You can't log me out of everything I know!"

She groans before typing even faster, which I didn't know was possible, and I look to Casey.

"Your mother have everything ready except for your signatures." I nod and step toward the desk, scribbling my signature across all the necessary lines.

"Love, sign these." I push the papers toward her. My wolf fights against adding more issues to the her plate but I begin talking to the Warriors on plans of attack.

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