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I unclip myself from the rope as my feet touch the floor. I quickly pull my bow and a single arrow out, ready for people to start coming towards us. Feet land beside me and a warm hand grips the bottom of my jacket and shirt.

"Luna, what's-"

I motion for him to be quiet with a quick shake of my head. I hear Jake rappelling down the rope before landing beside Rover. He clips himself off the rope right before Viktor lands beside us. Two whips of the rope and the helicopter takes off.

"Hey, Dave, do you smell that?" A mand voice asks out, louder than I am comfortable with. I slowly begin a run towards the back door, which is illuminated by a single light.

"Yeah, I smell that. It smells like a drunk man!" The man speaking breaks into laughter at an unknown joke.

I feel Rover right behind me with Jake by my side. Viktor is behind me and I make itnto the door. I stop and look all around as Viktor ushers the two boys inside. I quickly shoot the two men, killing them.

I step inside the building to see one large room. In the center is Jack, Tyler, and Nathan. They are tied up to metal chairs with a dark rope which is dripping a liquid. Blood is in a puddle around each of them as a light swings above them.

The walls and all around them is dark creating a sense of security for us. I see Viktor creeping with Jake and Rover along the left wall.

I quickly pull out and arrow and shoot it past the three boys so it lodges into the wall beside a man tring to blend in. I see red eyes appear and snarls come from Jake and Rover.

"Rogue!" Jake snarls.

I see Tyler twitch before he releases a hiss of pain. I run to the center of the room and jump above Jack, smashing the only light in the room creating pure darkness.

My eyes quickly adjust and I work on untying my brother. He seems to be the least tortured. He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and I hug him back.

"Don't run off to headquarters this time, you asshole." I tease him and earn laughter in return.

"Jake, take him outside." I order him as I guide Nathan from the center of the room.

I feel fur dash between my legs and Nathan's before a small yelp.

I watch Nathan limp away before going to work on Jack. His entire body is limp and red marks cover his emitre body.

"Jack, Jack!" I hiss and he doesn't stir. I bring the back of my hand up before slapping him. He snarls and flashes his teeth at me before noticing who slapped him.

"Summer!" He whispers in regret and excitement.

I kiss his forehead before untying him as well.

"Rover! Take Jack!" I shout as a black mass with red eyes hurtles towards me. I pull out my gun and shoot at the head, seeing a silver bullet fly and hit it's mark. The black mass stops moving, its red eyes never stopping from watching me.

Of all the things I've killed, this one is going to haunt me, give me nightmares.

"Summer?" A voice croaks outs.

My gaze instantly snaps to see Tyler with his head still hanging. His entire body is slouched and tense at the same time. Blood still drips from his face and arms. Every drop is like a shot to my chest.

"Love, is that you?" Tyler croaks out.

I run to his side and gently cup his face. I hear slight purring before I gently lift his face to check his wounds.

Agent Luna [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now