I no one cares but here ya go if you were wondering

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1. Haha funny. Very funny.
2. Yep not sharing that
3. 6
5. About 3 months ago
6. One of my friends dying
7. Fuck you by Lilly Allen
8. 007
9. Ha. That's cute.
10. Baltimore Ravens
11. Blue or black
12. My nonbiological sister Sistastatus (she's In The shippy stories)
13. Don't really have one
14. Yep
15. No not really
16. A cheerleader from my school
17. Nope and never will
18. 5'1 (yes I'm short shush)
19. Yea
20. Nope
21. A pair of Fnaf earbuds
22. Chips
23. Night
24. Idk
25. Sometimes
26. When people lie even though you know what happened already. Or when people think I'm stupid
27. My hair is red
28. Tumblr
29. Harry Potter
30. No
31. St Patrick's day
32. Video games
33. Too many (I'll list them in my October monthly favorites)
34. Not watching what I say.
35. My BFF
36. Ye

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