Chapter 13

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"Smokescreen was sucker-punched, could have happened to any of us." Bulkhead said putting his servo on Smokescreen trying to comfort him.

Smokescreen just came back with Bulkhead from their mission. Losing the Omega key to the Decepticons wasn't good news to any of the Autobots especially Smokescreen.

"But it didn't"Smokescreen said throwing off Bulkhead's servo "Because I was the one was the one who dropped his guard, I was the one who blow it. Some great warrior I'm turning out to be."

"All great warriors start with a rookie ev-" You tried to cheer him up a bit before getting interupted.

"You still don't get it do you" Arcee said "a couple of victory aren't going to make you a legend and not every mission results in success. Not for me, not for Bee. Not even for Optimus. We gain relics and we lost some, we also lost friends. We even lost a world but this is one time we get a due over, we have a chance to bring back Cybertron and everyone in this room needs to be in sync. This isn't about you or your destiny" Smokescreen stayed silent. Letting the awkward atmosphere lour around the base

"Arcee, you made your point." Optimus who was listening silently to the conversation spoke up.

"Optimus, he need to hear this" Arcee said in a stern tone, she turned back around to face Smokescreen.

"You might actually become a great warrior one day and i sincerely hope that you do but greatness begins and ends by putting your team first, not your personal score card."

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you guys" Smokescreen looked up from the floor and defend himself.

"Then stop trying to be a hero. And start being an Autobot"

Smokescreen stopped for a second taking in every word Arcee said. He turned to look at Optimus and back at Arcee then to the ground. You know he was frustrated and hurt deep down by Arcee's words even she did not intend to hurt him but educate him.

"You know what? Maybe I'm just not good enough."Smokescreen let out in conclusion before speeding out of the base in his alt mode to find his personal space.

"That was a bit too far." You said.

"Next time Optimus advise you to stop, perhaps you should listen. " Ratchet advised.

"I'll bring him back." Bulkhead said ready to transform only to be stop by Optimus.

"Smokescreen is young Bulkhead and has much to learn but right now, he needs to clear his thoughts. And I have to finish decoding the final Iacon entry." Optimus turned back and continued to concentrate on decoding the last coordinates.

You would have ran after Smokescreen if you were still a Cybertronian. But you're not anymore, there's no way you would catch up to him by foot. You sat down at the couch, staring off into space. The base remained quiet only the sound of Prime's typing until Optimus' announcement.

"The final entry has been decoded." Optimus turned to face his team, satisfied with his work.

You looked up towards the screen that's shining unnaturally behind Optimus, it was not like the coordinates that was seen for the last three relic but something else, like an image.

"Has it?"Ratchet questioned.

"Perhaps it's a layer of secondary encryption" Optimus guessed.

Everyone moved closer towards the screen to get a better visual of what it is. Every second the unknown subject becomes clearer and clearer.

"Maybe it's a picture of the relic?" Bulkhead suggested.

"And what possible use would that be to us without knowing its location?" Ratchet asked.

"I trust that Alpha Trion has his reasons" Optimus said.

Soon the answer to the questions that's passing through everyone's mind came to view. A clear image of -

"Smokescreen?" Bulkhead exclaim.

"Is this that Hot Shot's idea of a joke?" Arcee ask annoyed of the unclear answer.

"I don't think so." Bumblebee beeped confused like everyone else.

"Maybe he knows where the key is." Bulkhead suggested.

"And never bother to mention it."Arcee ask again.

"Not likely." You added.

"A more likely possibility" Ratchet interrupt "Smokescreen himself somehow is the key, without knowing it."

"Or the key is in him or something." you guessed.

"Whatever the case, he could be in great danger." Optimus said. Opening up his comlink in attempt to contact Smokescreen.

"Smokescreen, return to base immediately." He ordered through the comlink. Everyone waiting for Smokescreen to respond but there was none.

"He may have deactivated his comlink."You said.

"Locate his position." Optimus turn to Ratchet "and prepare the ground bridge."

Ratchet then went over to his computer and start to lactate Smokescreen as fast as he could. A few seconds later the ground bridge is opened.

"Autobots roll out."Optimus said before running into the ground bridge.

You watched the Autobots vanished into the blue and green portal, praying to Primus the white bot would come back safe.


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